22 OCTOBER 1932, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Snt,=Some eight days ago a letter went out to the Press signed by one Archbishop, two Bishops and various men (no women) condemninrrhe Outline for Boys and Girls and their Parents, published and edited by us. This letter, which clearly pro- fessed to represent organized Christianity, has called down on itself so many answers, both from Christians and.-non-Chris- tians, that we have not felt the need for a formal answer from ourselves : nor do we propose to answer in detail now. -That has largely been done. One at least of the signatories could not, we think, have read the book in full ; certain-others were perhaps moved by economic and political bias to- attack our book on moral grounds: That we must overlook.: -Mt, in defence, not only of the contributors to the Outline but also Of the many people _ivho wrote, to us originally in its Praise (including, . fora instance, - suck- Christians as Canon Dearmer) we should like to say that we know there is nothing in the book which could do anything -but make children saner, healthier, happier, better citizens of the world and the future.

In a single volume our authors have naturally not told everything. 'How could they=? This is only an outline of the great mass- of human knowledge ; it is not,"-for instance, an outline of theology. Nor do we think it likely, or indeed possible, that what is written in the book is free from all error. But we are convinced of this : that, if not for the first time, then very nearly so, men and women writing for children have told the truth, as objectively as possible.

One of us is the mother of five children ; the other is the father _a five children. We believe that we are practically in touch with the needs of growing children, and that we have given our children and other children something -which those who signed the protest against our book have not had, and will not have, the courage to attempt.—We are, Sir, &c.,


VICTOR Goc.c.c.-xcz.

River Court, Haninzersmigi Mall, W. 6, October 12th.