Home Rule for Scotland The adhesion of Sir Herbert Samuel
and the Liberals he represents to the Scottish Home Rule movement will no doubt give encouragement to its supporters, though it might have been assumed in any case that Liberals would be bound to align themselves with any reasonable demand for local autonomy anywhere. In the Scottish movement there are reasonable and unreasonable elements, those for whom it is a practical political proposition and those for whom it is mainly a cult. If it can be shown that the demand for a Scottish Parliament at Edinburgh, concerned with local administration, but with no desire for any such emblems of separation as tariff lines along the border, is general, then there is no reason why anyone in England should want to refuse it. The feeling that Scottish interests are neglected at West- minster is stronger than most Englishmen realize, and there is some foundation for it. Scotland has her own legal system and her own national Church. If she wants her own Parliament for local legislation, why not ?