The Austrian Reichsrath continues to take great liberties of speech.
It is a novelty in Vienna to have anything in the shape of a free Parliament. Some distrust is felt at the anxiety of the Government to get the " supplies" 'voted before discussing'ques'- tions of constitutional government ; and the members, betraying their impatience, have interpolated very significant remarks in the budget debates. There was an outburst of uncontrollable feeling on behalf of local government which could not have been palatable to the Ministry. Now, when the supplies are voted will the Reicherath be permitted to talk politics ? Count Rech- berg eagerly offers assurances of amendment in the administra- tion, yet.people cannot get rid of an uneasy sensation of. mis- trust. The Austrian Government has given no proof yet that its professions rest on a basis of good faith.
The Syrian question has made a step in advance. Faad Pasha has acted with striking vigour at Damasous-r-executing " men of rank," as the Morning Post says. No doubt the arrival of the French troops and of the British Connaissioner, Lord Dufferin, gave an impetus to his arm. Yet if Ahmed Pasha and his villanelle eonpeer.s were to be tried, and informa- tion was to be got from them, a month's delay does not seem an extravagant time in which to do that work. The Druses are sending to Europe their " defence" thiongit the Times corre- spondent, and a petition to QatiOn Victoria, prayiag for fair dealing. The defence looks plausible, but it is defective, be- cause it omits all allusion to some of the worst incidents in- the wan There is, however, no reason to doubt that the Maronitee were the beginners of the war, that they were put up to it, and that they intended to steal a march upon the Druses. Both sides are evidently in the wrong.