22 SEPTEMBER 1860, page 9


SATITRDAY AFTERNOON. We have a piece of very unpleasant news from India. It is not im- probable that the first fruit of the amal g amation of the two armies will be the loss of......

Onll A Urous.

The National Rifle Association has taken a judicious atop to promote the objects for which -it 'was formed ; as' willbe seen by the followin g letter, si g ned by Lord Elcho,......

Baron Wilde, Sittin G In. Chambers Yesterday, Decided In...

of Mrs. Price, of A g apemonite renown. A writ of habeas corpus was obtained on Wednesday and Mrs. Price was brou g ht up, not-into the court, but to a solicitor's in Chancery......

Fortign An Colonial.

e fraurt.—The Emperor and Empress arrived at Algiers on the 17th. They had travelled from Toulon to Ajaccio ; and thence by Mitiorea to Algiers. The sea was rough and the......

Lar G E Orders Received From Naples By The Wholesale...

Lptulon, which had been kept back until such time as some settlement should have been come to, are now being despatched with great haste; showing the feeling of confidence the......

The Tele G Raphic News Of This Mornin G Informs Us That...

is formally and effectively blockaded, and th a t the fact has been notified to forei g n powers. " The principles of maritime law a g reed upon at the Con g ress of Paris will......

Money Market. -

STOCK ExCILKNOlt. FRIDAY AFTKIIKOOK. The uncertainty , of affairs on the Continent have, as usual, tended to check speculative or bona fide business throu g hout the Stock......

We Learn From Canada Via Galway, That The Prince Of

Wales left Leaden, in Canada West, for Nia g ara, on the 11th instant. Advices from Honduras state that Walker evacuated Truxillo on the 1st instant, in compliance with Orders......