On the 11th of September, at Clonmannon, county 'Wicklow, the Wife of the Honourable Mr. Justice Hayes, of a son.
On the 11th, at, Annaghi-audierrig, county Monaghan, the Wife of Deputy.Com- missary-General Power, C.B., of a daughter. On the 12th; at Elea House, Christchurch, Hants, the Wife of Major' Gordon Cameron,-Fourth King's Own:Regiment, of a daughter. On the 12th, at Pontefract, the Wife of the Reverend Sir T. E. W. Mlemeaeld, Bart., of a daughter.
On the 13th, at.Runcton Hall, Lady Troubridge, of a son.
On the 14th, at Whitley, Warwickshire, the Wife of William Henry Abbott, Esq., of a daughter. On the 14th,• at 'Park Mouse, South Kensington, the Wife of Captain -Fowke, 11.E., of a daughter. On the 16th, at Hillingdon Court,- Uxbridge, the Honourable Mrs. Cecil Dun- combe, of a daughter. On the.17th, at Chettle -Lodge, Blatidford, the 'Wife 'of Captain Douglas Curry, of H.M.S. Aboukir, of a-son.
On the 17th, at Chorleywood, Herts, the Wife of William Longman, Esq...,of a daughter.
On the 18th, at Cheltenham, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Grey, F4114-fifth Light Infantry, of a daughter.
On the 11th of Septernber, at St. Saviour's, Paddington, Hebert 'W. 'Keats, Esq., Governor of the Island of Trinidad, West Indies; tolimarietta lemima, daughter of T. Murray, Esq., -M.D.,: of Woodbrook; in- the nine Wand.
On the 12th, at Niddrie House, Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable Da les Blakeney de Moleyns, eldest son of the Lord Ventry, of Burnham House, co. erry, to Harriet Elizabeth Frances, elder daughter of Andrew Wauchope, Esq., of Niddhe Marischal.
On the 12th, at Swanage, Dorset,-Captain Frederick Stephen Steele, eldest son of Captain illathew.Frederiek Steeleyof Sutton, Surrey,- to Martha, eldest daughter of the late Sir Francis Blake, Bari., ef Twisel, Northumberland. On the 12th, at Christ Church, Salford, by the Right Reverend the Lord 'Bishop of Manchester, the Reverend Arthur Keene, M.A. Incumbent of St. John's, Old- ham, to Minis Amelia, eldest daughter of the Reverend-Hugh Stowell, M.A.;Reetor of Christ Church, Salford, honorary Canon of Chester, &c. On the 13th, at Itagworthingliam, Arthur Reginald St. C. Radcliffe, third son of Sir Joseph Radeliffe, of Budding Park,Mart., to Georgiaua, third daughter of „the Reverend F. Pickford, Rector of Hagworthingharn. On the 13th, at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, James W. Macnabb, Esq., of her Majesty's Indian Civil Service, to Amy, fifth _daughter of Sir James Weir Hogg, Bart, On the 13th, at St. Nicholas's Chapel, -King's Lynn, the Bev. James John Cum- ming, 31.A., rector of Carlton St. Mary's with St. Peter's, only son of the Rev. James Cumming, rector of North Bunton, Norfolk, and Professor of Chemistry-in the University of Cambridge,. to Helen Mary, second daughter of Edwin E. Durrant, Esq., King's Lynn. On the 13th, at All Sonle,-Langham Place. Henry Campbell, -Esq., second son Of Sir James Campbell,,of. Straeathro, Forfarshire, to Sarah-Charlotte, only daughter of the late Major-General Sir Charles Bruce, K.C.B. On the 18th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, by-the Honourable and Very-Reiv- rend the Dean of York, Captain Lord Eustace Gascoyne Cecil, 'Coldstream-Guards, third son of the Marquis-of Salisbury, to Lady Gertrudelmuina Scottrfourth daugh- ter of the late, and sister of the present, Earl of Eldon. On the 18th, at Trent Vale Cbureb, near Stoke-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, Thomas Chappell Brown-Westhead, of Highfield House, Baulastone, youngest son of J. P. Brown-Westhead, Esq., M.P., of Lea Castle, Worcestershire, to Marian,- foarth daughter of George H. Fotudrinier,- Esq„ of The Villas, Stoke-upon-Treat.
On the 4th of September, at Sees, on ,his passage home-from Madras, Brevet- Major John George Cavendish Disbrowe, Forty-Third Light Infantry, in the thirty-
third year of his age, only son of Colonel an&the Mon. Mrs. Disbrowe. . On the 11th, in Bath, Captain JosephaFrancis Stirling, R.N., youngest son of the late VicevAdmiral Charles Stirling.
On the 13th, at The Heath, VeybrIdge, aged sixty-six, David Jardine, Esq., of the -Middle Temple, barrister-at-law, and of 23, Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park. On the 13th, at Marsk, Hall, near Redcar, Yorkshire, the Lady Margaret Bruce Yeoman, aged sixty-four.
On- e 14th, at Paris, the Marchioness of Donegall. On the 14th, at Darlaston Hall, Staffordshire, Henrietta, widow of the late Robert Stephen Rintoul, Esq.
-On the 15th, Sirah Turton, third daughter of Sir Thomas Torten, Bart., of Eel- cburt, Surrey, aged seventy-one. On the 15th, Noel, only son of Professor Hintley f the Government School of Mines, Jermyn Street. On the-16th, -at% 'Princes Gate, Arthult23181in,'Aemerty of Wiatifiedan• Snuff.a?Falth1.111.1 alnll.M.1/1