fist Arts.
'The 'decay of the frescoes in the Houses of Parliament is again the serious subject of discussion amongst the painters, and those who are naturally anxious that such important works of' art Should he executed according to the method most durable, and when they pass from the hands of the artist that they should at.least be properly preserved and protected. We have, on a former occasion, noticed that some of the frescoes were not done in the old method, but in that styled by the Italians " mezzo-freseo." We are.-aware,. -too, that all along there has been a feeling of considerable doubt as to the durability of the paintings executed at Westminster, apart from- all considerations connected with climate, Teculiar salts in the lime and water used, and all such causes likely to interfere with the : colours. All the frescoes which have been painted for any length of time are, it appears, fast showing injury. home armactually. pealing offl others fading, and some are losing their surface by blistering and the efflorescence of the plaster employed, which has the appearanee of Mildew.
-The model of a- statue of Blake, by Mr. Bally, RA., has been pur- chased by the Lords of the Admiralty for Greenwich Hospital. It is to be hoped the statue of eninival hero will be executedin Something better than clay., although we may be satisfied that the fame of the conqueror Of Van. Tromp is already preserved in the memories-of all true English- men in a form more lasting than any monument of brass or-marble. Our national shabbiness in monumental works of art is, unfortunately,
become too notorious. .
The memorial to the late eminent architect, Pugin, is to be a," Pugin Travelling Fund," to enable students to examine and illustrate the mediaeval arts of this country. The Institute- of Architects will have the trusteeship of the fund, and a medal will be added to each award of the studentship.