The campaign in the Papal States has been short and decisive. Last week our readers may remember Cialdini was traced to Fano on the Adriatic,' and Fanti to 'Perugia in the valley of the Tiber. They have now subjugated the enemy up to the lines of Ancona.
General Fanti's success at Perugia led the people of Todi to revolt, and as he came down the valley of the Tiber, every important town on his march was prepared to join him. Cialdini, quitting Fano, occupied Simigag,lia, driving General %angler into Ancona; and then the Pied- montage leader moved out to invest Ancona, occupying for that purpose Jed on the high road to Foligno and Rome, Osimo and Castel Fidardo on the road from Ancona to Loretto. General Lamoriciere had taken post at Spoleto, watching from there the two columns. Though be had weakened his small army by detachments in Pesaro, Sinigaglia,, Perugia, he still commanded a respectable force, having with himself some 11,000 men, and having in Ancona perhaps 7000 or 8000 more. The rapid ad- vance of the Piedmonteae generals forced him to choose quickly, whether he would place his back to Rome, or strike off towards the Adriatic, and overwhelming Cialdini, enter Ancona. Be determined to attempt the latter. Perhaps he hoped to find the corps of Cialdini, engaged as it was in the investment of Ancona, and therefore spread out over a larger extent of ground, unable to concentrate in time to receive battle. Fanti was coming down the Tiber valley in a compact .column. He found an enthusiastic welcome from the people, and hardly needed to detach a company. Cialdini, on the other hand, was forced to occupy a long line of twenty miles, stretching from Jed on his left to Castel Fidardo on his right. If he were attacked, his ,disposable force for battle must be diminished by the number required to keep the garrison of Ancona in check, and for these reasons, probably, Lanacniciere selected Cialdini for his antagonist. Leaving a small garrison of troops in Spoleto, of which the gallant Irish formed part, it may be all, Lame- rider° .moved off to the eastward in two columns, leading the van himself and entrusting the rear to General Pimodan. His line of march must have led through Camerino and by the valley of the Chienti, as he is described as assembling his divisions at Macerate. Thence he mast have crossed the Poteeza to Recanatii and finally to have creased the Musone before he could reach the Ptedmontese As he had so long a march to make through a disaffected country, it is not likely that Cialdini could be kept in ignorance of his movements, and by the time the Papal General dosed upon Macerate, Cialdini must have divined his object and drawn together a sufficient force at Castel Fidardo, on the extreme right of his line of investment, to give battle and frustrate the intention of the Algerine to effect a junction with the force in Ancona. At the same time General Cialdini would have posted a pert of his force between Osimo and Altoona, to control that garrison. Lamoriciere's plan of surprise failed. Coming up from Recanati, over the Meson; with a force of 11,000 men, he appears to have found Cialdini in position at Castel Fidardo. Nevertheless, having come so far to fight, he would not retire, and engaging in battle he was defeated with the loss of six guns, a quantity of arms, and some 600 prisoners, including that General Pimodan who figured grandly in despatches some months ago as the conqueror of Zanbianehi's foolish inroad into the Papal country. Daring the battle, the garrison of Ancona broke out and assailed the rear, but their movement had been -foreseen, and they were driven in, followed by the Piedmontese. General Lamoriciere, witha handful of horse, passed round the left flank of the Piedmonts°, and dashing through the gorges of Monte Conero, rode along the coast into Ancona. Cialdini followed up the beaten army to•Tolentino, where, deprived of both their leaders, -they capitulated, the foreign troops stipulating for passage home.
In the meantime, the fleetunder Persano had come up to Ancona, and barred escape by sea. Fend also had had his successes. The garrison of Irish left by Lamoriciere at Spoleto were forced to surrender theme selves prisoners of war.
It is stated that the Piedmontese aro to occupy Velletri and Frosinone, to interpose between Garibaldi and Rome and to quiet the insurgent spirit. Monsignor Berardi had been arrested there. On the other side of Rome, Masi, a free lance, was operating. owards Viterbo, and Freuch troops had been sent to deal with him.
The following is the order of the day issued by General Cialdini on taking the field- " Soldiers of the 4th Corps-e/ am leading you against a band of foreign adventures, whom the thirst fur gold and desire of pillage have brought into our country. " Attack and disperse these miserable assassins without mercy ; let your hand smite them with the anger of a people which wishes its nationality and independence. " Soldiers 1 Perugia cries aloud for vengeance. Though late, she shall have it.
" The General commanding the 4th Corps, CIALDINI." The political documents in relation to the intervention are of consider- able interest. We append two despatches- " Count Cavour to Cardinal Antonelli.
" Turin, September 7.
" Eminence—The Government of H. M. the King of Sardinia could not without serious regret see the formation and existence of the bodies of fo- reign mercenary troops in the pay. of the Pontifical Government. The or- ganization of such eorpa not consisting, as in all civilized governments, of citizens of the country, but of men of all languages, nations, and religions, deeply offends the public conscience of Italy and Europe. The want of dis- cipline inherent to such troops, the inconsiderate conduct of their chiefs, the irritating menaces with which they pompously fill their -.proclamations, ex- cite and maintain a highly dangerous ferment. The painful recollection of the massacre and pillage of Perugia is still alive among the inhabitants of the Marches and Umbna. This state of things, dangerous in itself, became still more so after the facts which have taken place in Sicily and in the king- dom of Naples. The presence of foreign troops, which ineults the national feeling, and prevents the manifestation of the wishes'of the people, will infallibly cause the extension of the movementithe neighbouring pro- vinces. The intimate connexion which exists Ten the inhabitants of the Marcher, and Umbria, anitthose of the previews annexed to the States of the King, and reasons of order and security in his own territory, lay his Majesty's Government undertbenecessityaf apply ineourfar as is in its power, an immediate remedy to such evils. King Victor*Emmanuel'e conscience does not permit him to remain a .pasuive spectator of the bloody repression with which the arms of the foreign mercenaries would extinguish every manifestation of national feeling in Italian blood. No Government has the right of abandoning to the will and pleasure of a horde of soldiers of for- tune the property, the honour, and lives of the inhabitants of a civilized country. For these reasons, after having applied to his Majesty the King, august sovereign, for his orders, 'I have the honour of eigaifying to your Eminence that the King's troops are charged to prevent, in the name of the rights of humanity, the Pontifical mercenary corps from repressing by vio- lence the expression of the sentiments of the people of the Marches and Umbria. I have, moreover, the honour to invite your Excellency, for the reasons above explained, to give immediate orders for the disbanding and dissolving of those corps, the existence of which is a menace to the peace of Italy. Trusting that your Eminence will immediately •communicate to me the measures taken by the Goverment of his Holiness in the matter, I have the honour of renewing to your Eminence the -expression of my high
consideration. Cevorni."
Cardinal Animals', lo Count Cavour. "Rome, Sept.11.
" Excellency—Without taking into -account the manner in wind. your Excellency has -thought proper to have your letter of the 7th instant con- veyed to me, I have directed my Whole attention calmly upon the subject you lay before me in the name of your Sovereign, and I cannot conceal from you that it has cost me an extraordinary effort to do so. The now princi- ples of public law which you lay down us your letter would be indeed suffi- cient to dispenserne from giving any answer at all, they being so contrary to those which have constantly been acknowledged by all Governments and nations. Nevertheless, feeling deeply the inculpations cast upon the Go- vernment of his Holiness, I cannot refrain from at once noticing the blame, as odious as it is unfounded and unjust, pronounced against the troops be- longing to the Pontifical Government, and I must add that I find the pre- tension of the denying the right belonging to the Pontifical Government as well as to any other, of havingforeign troops in itsservice, utterly unjustifi- able. In feet, many Governments of Europehave foreign troops in their pay. On that subject it may be expedient to observe that, owing to the character with which the Sovereign Pontiff is invested as the seamen father of all be- lievera, he ought to be less subject to criticism than any other for receiving in the ranks of his troops all who come and offer themselves from the various parts of the Catholic world for the defence of the Holy See, and ofthelltates of the Church. Nothing is more -false or more insulting than to attribute to the Pontifical troops the disorders which have taken place in the States of the Holy See. There is no necessity for asking, for history has already enregistered whence came the troops who have have violently constrained the will of the „people, and the artifices which have been made use of for throwing into perturbation the greater part of Italy, and num' g all that was most inviolable and most sacred both in right and in justice. As to the consequences which it has been sought to make weigh on the legitimate action of the troop of the Holy See to put down the rebellion of Peragia, it would truly be more logical to throw that responsibility on those whet from abroad, have excited the- revolt ; and you know perfectly well, Monsieur le Comte, where that outbreak was concerted, whence where derived money, arms, and uteanaef all kinds, and from whence instructions and.orders were sent to the insurgents. There is, consequently, reason for representing as calumnious all that has been said by a party hostile to the Government of the Holy See, as to the conduct of its troops, and for declaring that the im- putations oast ail their chiefs by the authors of proclamations of a nature to excite dangerous fermentations are not leas. Your Excellency concludes your painful despatch by inviting me, in the name of your sovereign,to immediately order the disarming and disbanding of the said troops. This invitation was accompanied by a sort of menace en the part of Piedmont, in case of refusal, to prevent the action of the said troops by means of the Royal troops. This involves a quasi-injunction- which I willingly abstain from qualifying. The Hole See could only repel it with indignation, strong in its legitimate tights, end appealieg to the lawof nations under. he mgis of which Europe has hitherto lived, whatever violence the Holy See may be exposed to suffer, without -having provoked it, and against which it is my duty now to protest energetically lathe name of his Holiness. With senti- ments of consideration, I am, &e., G. Caereasen AsTONELLI."
" Portraits" of Garibaldi abound in the newspapers. One of the most characteristic is the following extracted from the letter of a lady at Naples.
" I have seen today the face of Garibaldi, and now all the devotion'of his friends is made as clear as day to me. You have only 10 look into his face, and you feel that there is, perhaps, the one man in the world in whose ser- vice you would take your heart in your hand and follow him blindfold to deeth. I never altogether understood that feeling unfit his presence made it dear to me. Itis the individual man and his persood influence that are so strong ; but then it is the man exalted and sanctified, as it were, byhis own single-minded devotion to and faith in a holy cause.; and it is that which you see in his face, as though written in letttera of light, and which carries on your thoughts from the man to him as the type and representative of his cause. One could love the cause without seeing him, but in seeing him one seems to be suddenly gifted with the power of seeing it as he sees it, and youlove it better for his sake, and you wholly honour and admire 'him for its sake. I have often asked our Marine officers who have seen hien to describe him to me. They get on swimmingly about his shoulders, and chest, and head, and beard ; and then they desire with all their might to describe his expreesion—but there they stop and gasp. Neither can I de- scribe it to you. I can only nay that it explains that devotion to the death, and, what is more, that faith in doing what the prudent world at large con- siders an impossibility, for his sake ; it makes that feeling appear to you the simplest and most natural thing in the world. His wonderful simplicity and forgetfulness of self win the love of all ; it is not the grand iron-willed hero who determines of his own strength to carry his undertaking through. I do not wonder at the conviction which prevails of his having been raised up by Providence ; he seems to feel that this is the work given him to do, and that he could not leave it undone, but that it is no more credit to him than it is to a joiner to make a stool, whose mission it is to make stools. It is a -face in which the whole character is written—simple, grand, and loving. . . . . It is difficult to describe the excitement. After about an hour came up the red shirt on a carriage horse, with its blinkers on, to give warning that Garibaldi was coming, and then the oheering rose louder and louder as the carriage came slowly along, and there he was without a bit of state—three red shirts with their backs to the carriage, himself and another man in the seat of honour, and three more in a stuck-up rumble behind— such fine old heads, with whitened beards, and all with their red shirts covered with purple stains, like English hunting coats which have been through sundry squire-traps. Their earnest, calm, sunburnt faces spoke of different work from running up and down a street shouting ; but what could
we poor little contemptible peo.ple do except shout and clop ol*liands ? Ali our party were assembledin the balcony ; and, aishappy chancy would have it long before he came up to its he turned his ‘face our way, our group caught his eye, and until he came under our balcOny, and had to turn his face quite up to see us, be kept his steady look fixed on ua—why, I don't know, for surely there were prettier dresses and fresher faces all around. Isla too well content chance had it s000 that we could watch deliberately the deep, true, sweet expression of those es'eii. We had ann-fulls of flowers to throw down but that kind of thn gsseemed so small before that wonderful regard,' that i I only let ruble drop on the people below. I was told that I should never see so fine a sight as 'Paris welcoming home her heroes last, Bummer—the Army of Italy; but this one carriage, full of weather-beaten elderly men was far grander—not the sight of a monarch who makes war Tor his own ambition in one way or other, hut of the triumph of moral force and single-minded devotion. I wish I could convey to you an idea of how he looked, like a dear oldWeather-beaten angel."
..The following is the text of the memorandum addressed by the Go- vernment of King Victor Emmanuel to his diplomatic representatives at foreign courts, explaining the motives of the entry of the Royal troops into the Marches and Umbria- " The peace of Villafranca, by assuring to the Italians the right of dis-
rng of their own fate, has enabled the populations of several provinces in eiNorth and Centre of the Italian peninsula, to substitute the national Governmenl of King Victor Emmanuel for governments subject to foreign influence.
" This great transformation has been accomplished with admirable order, and without disturbing any one of the principles upon which social order is based.
" The events which have taken place in the /Emilia and in Tuscany have proved to Europe that the Italians, far from being actuated by anarchical passions, only asked to be governed by free and national institutions.
" If this tranformation could have been extended to the whole of the Pe- ninsula, the Italian question would have been settled at this very moment. Far from being a cause of apprehension and danger to Europe, Italy would be henceforth an element of peace and conservation. Unhappily the peace of Villafranea could only include a portion of Italy. It left Venetia under the domination of Austria, and it produced no change in Central Italy, or in the provinces remaining-under the temporal domination of the Holy See. " We have no intention of discussing here the question of Venetia. It will suffice for us-to call to mind that so long as this question shall not be solved, Europe oannot enjoy a solid and sincere .peace. There will always remain in Italy a powerful cause of troubles and revolution which, despite the efforts of the governments, will incessantly threaten an outburst of in- surrection and war in the centre of-the Continent.
" But it is well to leave it to time to settle this question. " Whatever be the sympathy whioh the daily more unhappy fate of the Venetians justly inspires, Europe is so anxious about the incalculable con- sequences of a war, she has so lively a desire, so irresistible a need of peace, that it would be unwise not to respect her will. " But it is not the same with the questions relating to Central and Southern Italy. " Attached to a traditional system of policy which has not been less fatal to his family than to his people, the young King of Naples, from his acces- sion to the throne, placed himself in flagrant opposition to the national sen- timents of the Italians, as well as to the principles which govern civilized countries. Deaf to the counsels of France and of England, refusing even to follow the advice of a Government whose constant and sincere friendship he could not doubt, nor its attaohment to the principle of authority, he rejected for a whole year all the efforts of the King of Sardinia to lead him to a sys- tem of policy mere conformable to the sentiments which dominate the Ita- lian people. " What jastioe and reason could not obtain, a revolution has accomplished —a prodigious revolution, which has filled Europe with astonishment by the almost providential manner in which -it has been accomplished, and excited its admiration for the illustrious warrior whose glorious exploits recall the most surprising deeds that poetry and history have related. " The transformation which has taken place in the kingdom of Naples, though it has been effected by means lees pacific and regular than that of Central Italy, is not less legitimate ; its consequences are not less favourable to the true interests of order and to the consolidation of the balance of power in Europe. "As soon as Sicily and Naples shall form an integral part of the great Italian family,. the enemies of thrones will no longer have any powerful argument to bring forward against monarchical principles. Revolutionary passions will no longer find a theatre where the most insane enterprises had some .chanece of success, or at least of exciting the sympathy of all generous- minded men.
" We should, then, be authorized to suppose that Italy might at last enter a pacific phase of a nature to dispel European anxieties, if, the two great regions of the North and South °fah° Peninsula were not separated by pro- *mires which are in a deplorable state.
"The Roman Government having declined to associate itself in any way whatsoever with the great movement, and having, on the contrary, con- tinued to oppose it with the most lamentable vehemence, has for a long time placed itself in open conflict with the populations which hare not succeeded in throwing off its yoke. To keep th.em-down, to prevent them from manifesting the national sentiments which animate them, it has made use of the spiritual power which Providence has intrusted to it for an object far greater than thut assigned to political government.
"By presenting to the Catholic populations the condition of Italy under false and sombre colours, and by malting itpaesionate appeal to feeling, or rather to fanaticism, which still holds so much swayin certain unenlightened classes of society, it has succeeded in gathering money and men from every corner of Europe, and in foriaihg an army consisting almost exclusively of strangers, not only to the Roman States, but to the whole of. Italy. "It has been reserved for the Roman States to offer in our century the strange and sad spectacle of a Goveannent reduced to maintain its authority over its subjects by means of foreign 4nereeliaries blinded by fanaticism, or enticed by the bait of prondses which could not be fulfilled, except by thr"owing whole populations into distress. Such facts provoke, in the highest degree, the indignation of the Ita- lians who have achieved their liberty.and independence. Full of sympathy for their brethren in Umbria and in the Marches, they manifest on all sides a desire of helping to put an end to a state of things which is an outrage on the principles of justice and of humanity, and which deeply wounds the national sentiment.
"Although sharing this painful emotion, the Government of the King has thought it:sight hitherto to check and to prevent any disorganized at- tempt to deliver the populations of Umbria and of the Marches from the yoke which oppresses them. But it could not dissemble to itself, that the increasing irritation of the populations could no longer be restrained with- out having recourse to force and to violent measures. Moreover, the revo- lution having triumphed at Naples, could it be stopped at the frontier of the Roman States,, where it is invoked by abuses not lees serioui than those which have irresistibly drawn the volunteers of Upper Italy into Sicily ?
"B y.the pries of the insurgeuts of the Merches and of Umbria the whole ofItaiy has been moved. N6 -power can prevent thourande from rushing from the Centre and from the North of the Penineala trtheaid.iif ,their brothels threatened with disasters similar to those of k'eruglas "If the tiovernnient -of the King remained .passive amid this universal emotion, it would Place itself in direct oppOsition to the nation. . The genes rous outburst which the events of Naples and of Sicily have produbed in this multitudes would degenerate at once into anarchy and disorder.
" It would then be possible, And even probable, that the regular Move ment which has hitherto taken place might suddenly assume the character of violence and passion. Whatever power the idea of order may exercise over the Italians, there are provocations which the most civilized people cannot resist. Assuredly they would be more to be pitied than blamed if for the first time they gave way to violent reactions, which would lead to the most lamentable consequences. History informs us that a people who are now at the head of civilization have committed, under the empire of less serious causes, the most deplorable excesses. " Should it expose the Peninsula to similar dangers, the Government of the King would be culpable towards Italy ; it would not be less so towards Europe. " It would be wanting in its duties towards the Italians, who have al- ways hearkened to the counsels of moderation which it has given them, and who have entrusted to it the high mission of directing the national movement.
" It would be wanting in its duties towards Europe, for it has contracted towards Europe the moral engagement not to allow the Italian movement to degenerate into anarchy and disorder.
' It is to fulfil this double duty that the Government of the King, so soon as the insurgent population of the Marches and of Umbria sent him deputa- tions to invoke his protection granted it to them at once. At the same time he sent a diplomatic agent Rome to ask the Pontifical Government to send away the foreign legions, which it could not employ to suppress the manifestations of the provineesthat touoh ripen our frontiers without forcing us to interfere in their favour.
" On the refusal of the Court of Rome to comply with that request, the King has issued an order to his troops to enter Umbria and the Marches with the mission of reestablishing order there, and of leaving a free field to the populations to manifest their sentiments. " The Royal troops are scrupulously to respect Rome and the territory which surrounds it. They would lend their support, should it over be wanted, to preserve the residence of the Holy Father against any attack or any menace ; for the Government of the King will always know hole to con- ciliate the great interests of Italy with the respect due to the august chief of the religion to which the country is sincerely attached.
" In acting thus it has the conviction of not hurting the feelings of en- lightened Catholics who do not confound the temporal power, with which the Court of Rome has been invested during a period of its history, with the spiritual power which is the eternal and immoveable basis of its religious authority.
" But our hopes go still farther. We have confidence that the spectacle of the unanimity of these patriotic sentiments which now burst forth throughout all Italy, will remind the Sovereign Pontiff that he was some years ago the sublime inspirer of this great national movement. The veil which counsellors, animated by mundane interests, had placed over his eyes, will fall, and then, recognizing that the regeneration of Italy is among the designs of Providence, he will become again the father of the Initiates as he has never ceased to be the august and venerable father of all the faithful. "Turin, Sept. 12, 1860." In addition to the memorandum explaining the entry of Sardinian troops into the Papal States, addressed by Count Cavour to the diplo- matic agents of Sardinia, for communication to the respective foreign courts, the Chevalier Nigra, Sardinian Resident Minister at Paris, com- municated a confidential despatch to M. Thouvenel on Saturday. In this despatch Count Cavour is said to have endeavoured to show that the occupation of the Marches and Umbria was indispensable, in order to avoid a collision between Garibaldi and the French troops occupying Rome. The despatch is also said to state that Garibaldi has given Piedmont to understand in a peremptory manner, that if she does not immediately disperse the foreign volunteers of the Papal army, he would proceed from Naples to Rome, in order to pursue and accomplish the task himself, and that he would only respect Rome on the condition that the Marches and the Umbria were occupied by Sardinian troops.
According to M. Grandguillot, the Pope had been advised to fly from Rome by his advisers. The writer in the Constitationnet distinctly states that should the Pope fly he would be followed by the French. troops. The Shedd says, that "at Rome a bond fide Italian Coblentz, almost a European Coblentz, was formed. General de Lamoriciere and the cardi- nals were in direct communication with the Duke of Modena and the other exiled princes, and with the Austrians, and the latter were sending reinforcements after reinforcements to Ancona. By displaying longer patience, Victor Emmanuel would have been the accomplice of the Itae Ilan counter-revolution, would have favoured the restoration of the princes ; would, in a word, have betrayed Italy ; and that ho could never consent to do."
Letters from Rome assert that the Pope is about to issue a manifesto, calling upon the Catholic Powers for assistance. The French Am- bassador, the Duke de Gramont, has officially announced to the Pope that diplomatic relations between France and Sardinia have been inters rupted.
Tustin AND NAPLI:q.
Baron Talleyand has quitted Turin, but no other Minister has left his post. M. d'Azeglio has resigned his office as Governor of Milanyand ho is to be succeeded by Count Passolini. The Sardinian Parliament is to meet on the 2d of October.
There is a report that Garibaldi has promised to respect the states of the Church providing Cavour and Farini are dismissed from office, but it is not confirmed. It arrived from Geneva on Thursday, and is couched in these terms- " Advices received here from Turin assert that a lettethas been addressed
by Garibaldi to the King demanding the immediate dismissal of Cavour and Farini. Garibaldi also demands 30,000 Sardinian soldiers to garrison Naples. Craribaldi's letter is couched in respectful but energetic terms. The above conditions are specified by Garibaldi as the sine out non of a good understanding between him and iedment. The King immediately de- spatched a brief reply, but the contents of his letter are not known. The Ministry will communicate to Parliament the demands of Garibaldi, And will request its approval of their conduct. Should tbls approval be with- held, the Cabinet will tender its resignation. Great agitation prevails at Turin." • Garibaldi was pursuing the work of organization. The Official Gazette is full of decrees. Here are specimens of his measures— " ' All political prisoners are to be set at liberty directly." All Custom House barriers between Sicily and the. Neapolitan continent are abelished.' 'Twelve asylums for infants,are .estaklished in. the capital. The institu- tiona, enicipal, and are, to be maintained at the espouse of the State.' ' Secret Alimaterial funds, re abolished.' ' Trial by jury in penal causes is to be,adopted." The order of the Jesuits, and all their, dependencies, are alxibehed in the continent of the Two Sicilies ; their property, movable and immovable, is declared national. All contracts weighing on property for the benefit of the order are annulled.' 'Considering that religious fanaticism and aristocratic pride induced the late Government to make dis- tinctions even between the dead, the burial of the dead within the ,walls of a city is absolutely forbidden. ' The withdrawal' of grain and corn from Ancona is prohibited.' Persons are prohibited from wearing the red coat, er any other uniform which does not belong to them.' The army of the
Two Sicilies is to assume the Piedmontese uniform." The lottery is to be gradually abolished, and cease in 1861." A central savings' bank is to be Established, with twelve branch banks.' The adhesion of Captain Flores, who bombarded Palermo, to the free Government of Italy, is not accepted nor is that of Rodriguez, Lettieri, Salazar, Gianbarba, and other naval officers." A commission is appointed to make an inventory of and to ad- minister the property of the Jesuits.' Volunteers for the navy are to be enrolled for one year obligatory on receipt of twenty ducats bounty money, and six climate monthly.' "
A portion of the army has been moved to Caserta, there to watch the enemy who stands at Capua, barring the way to Gaeta. Report estimates the Neapolitans at 50,000, and the Garibaldians at 15,000 men. Ins proclamation to the Sicilians, denouncing the idea of annexation, the Dictator says- • " Therefore, people of Palermo, to the cowards who were hiding whilst you were fighting at your your barricades, you will say from your own Garibaldi that the annexation to the kingdom of the ' Re Galantuoruo of Piedmont' we will soon proclaim, but from the summit of the Quirinal, when Italy is able to behold all her children united, to press her free to her illustrious bosom, and to bless them."
Garibaldi has also issued the following proclamation to the Neapolitan troops, dated September 9. " If you do not disdain to have Garibaldi for a companion in arms, he wishes to fight at your side against the enemies of the country. " Truce to our discords, the secular wounds of our country. " Italy, shaking the broken links of her chains, points to the North, the road of honour towards the last den of tyranny. " I only promise you one thing—that is, to make you fight." Garibaldi has appointed Signor Saffi Pro-Dictator of Sicily. Baron Brenier was to quit Naples on Thursday. Mazzini, it is said, has arrived at Naples; and Kossuth was expected. The extreme party were getting the upper hand in the councils of Garibaldi. '
Whereat the Times correspondent takes alarm- " I mentioned in my last that General Titres division had been sent to Avriano and Avelino to put down an eMeute fomented by the priests. They returned yesterday, bringing with them 100 prisoners, but the ashes still smoulder. ' On Wednesday night the generale was beaten, and troops and a -.detachment of the National Guard were sent off to St. Antonio and Mileto, a few miles out of the city, to put down a disturbance headed also by the priests, and yesterday morning seventy prisoners were brought in, consist- ing principally of the lower classes, who had been stirred up by their spi- ritual advisers. There was a little movement, too, last evening at the Porta Carmine, close to the Vivaria. Some of the liaribaldians who were there were surrounded by the populace, and ordered to cry, 6 Viva Victor Emmanuel, Viva Garibaldi ! ' cries which were, of course, responded to heartily, but in an instant afterwards cries were raised of 6 Viva it Re, e mortea Garibaldi,' and two of the red jackets were killed and four severely wounded with daggers. The National Guard immediately ran to the spot, and arrested fourteen persons. I repeat that the position is very dangerous. Me have a population ignorant and superstitious, degraded by the long ty- ranny of the Bourbons, and demoralized by the priests ; and, unless the work of consolidation is substituted for that of conquest—unless a Governs went be established before Garibaldi marches North, we shall have great disasters is the kingdom as soon as the Dictator turns his back."
Garibaldi en board the Hannibal.—" This morning [Sept. 11] at II o'clock, the general, accompanied by Dr. Eerier* Major Missori, and Lien- tenant-Colonel Paee, of the general staff, went on board the Hannibal, to return the visit [of the Admiral]. I happened to be on board at the time, and I was greatly amused at seeing the embarrassment of your minister, Mr. Elliot. That diplomatist had just arrived from Castellamare, where he generally stays during the hottest days of the bummer. On seeing Garibaldi he walked astern, screening himself behind the row of soldiers who were paying military 'honours to' the Dictator. But Garibaldi had scarcely 'entered the cabin of Admiral Mundy when the latter came out, calling for Mr. Elliot. Your minister was, or pretended to be, much embarrassed, and at firstdeolined to enter the cabin. At last he yielded, and Garibaldi, Ad- miral Mundy, and Mr. Elliot remained together for more than half an hour. Of course nothing has as yet transpired of their conversation, but there was inueh eminent upon this incident, and great the disapproval passed upon Admiral Mundy by the officers of theTench fleet. At a quarter to twelve Garibaldi left the Hannibal, after hail expressed expressed his warm thanks to the English admiral. He then went on boI
rd the Sardinian admiral's serew -frigate Maria Adelaide Wry a visit to Marquis Persano. On his reaching 'the ladder of the fri gairibaldi was saluted by the guns of the Sardinian it
vessels in port, as is te custom when a general officer goes on board. It was the admiral of the Inge( Italy who thus paid due honours to the Dic- tator of the Two Shams; The astonishments of the French admiral and 'officers may be more easily imagined than described."—Daily News' Cor- respondent.
State of Nu pies last week.—" The city is in immense confusion—crowded, picturesque, almost mad. Foreigners seem to outnumber the Neapolitans, and the red jacket every other coloured cloth. Such a Babel is every public place that .I imagine myself to be living some thousand years back—Eng- lishmen, just arrived, hob-nobbing with Italians, whose only common lingo is that of the fingers. . . . . I hear the sound of cracked trumpets, and, 'Coking out, see the first ranks of a Garibaldi division coming down the Santa Lucia. I am struck 'by the youthful appearance of some, certainly not more than twelve, or at the furthest fourteen years old—fair, pretty.- lookintboys, who might have had a satchel instead of a knapsack on their backs. There were, however, some glorious-looking fellows, and all, whether, men or boys, seemed to be animated by a spirit little known to the
Neapolitan troops There can be no mistake about the matter, the . ,. i
enthusiasm is very great.. People are beside themselvea, and scenes are witnessed which, perhaps, have never been witnessed in any other. country under the sun. Two lines of carriages go up and down the Toledo filled with persons decorated with tricoloured ribbons and scarfs, and carrying the flag of Piedniont, or rather of Italy. Thire are people of every class ; there are priests and monks, as gaily decorated as any, and some are armed; there are women in the Gligallstlillildrlegran4alk ca daggers or pikes ; there are red jackets of Garibaldi-snd red jackets 4 ngland ; there are people from the'proitinek4ilinuliiive aiareely d 3tt ale tk breathe for twelve long years, who arenew , auntie 'with fay:- . tied no sooner despatched my letters on Saturday' than one' of those uproarious bursts of applause which come upon us like hurricanes called me to the window. The soldiers in garrison at the Castel Novo had just burst out, and were running, jumping, galloping past my house like so many slaves who had burst out of the house of bondage. Some were armed with muskets ; most had their sacks full of loaves of bread, which dropped from their wallets as they ran along, shouting like so many madmen, Viva Garibaldi !' At every step they met with crowds of men' and, women, armed with naked swords, daggers, and pikes, which they flourished in the air, uttering at the same time the usual magic cries. Dirty-looking fellows, in the Neapolitan uniform, were hugged and kissed by persons as dirty as themselves, and then uniting, all surged onwards to the Toledo."—Letters from Naples.