At a meeting of„ Hfek Sewers' Cemmission on Tuesday, Deputy
lkis,,,ady,ertial to a .minute iirese:41 •at the, last meeting of the Court, by which the kit of Parliament to.prevent;the:adulteration of food had been referred.tma committee 'of the Cond. waa a :most important Act, for imderi,ets operation, if fairly carried out,..thelmor would be able to pro:- cure genuine beer, bread, milk, andervery other edible. The. Act was More perraissiVe theri compulsory in its character, and he wished to know whether the order, reference was-such as to enable the Court within its jurisdiction to carry Mit.the provisions of the statute. The Chairman replied that it was leffeiitirely to the committee to take what steps they pleaded hi the nsatter. Deputy Lott expressed a strong hope that the provisions of the Mt would, in the public interest, and espersially of that of the poor, be carried into practical operation, calculated ire it was to promote and maintain the public health.
The ease of Stretitfeild, Laureike, and Mortirnore, of London, and Lau- rence, Mortimore, and Co.,' of Liverpool, came before the Court of Bank- rupteyon Tuesday, 'upon the question of ".last examination'." Mr. Link• later, for .ereditors-oppesing, examined. Mr. Thomas Laurence at -great length, and elicited that the firm in. London "-believed that; we had a sur- plus of 328,0001. including 85,000/. of reserved fund." . At the end of 1858, Streatfeild and Co. heard that a firm—Payne and. Clark—were M difficulty, and wanted ".amiatance ;" that firm was largely indebted to Herbert Smith and Co., who in their turn were indebted to Streatfeild's, and must be "assisted." Herbert Smith and. Co. were insolvent apart froM their mine. but "Herbert Smith' told my wife that we should not lose O'shilling by them; did not think we should lose by Herbert Smith." Willereferenee to antitherlargedebt,—that of Smith, Patient, and Smith,—Me: Laurence was not so confident last New Years's Day—" In my own mind, 'I thought the loss might be 30,000/. or 40,000/. ; still continued dieeinintiog their bills, perhaps to the extent of one-third•of their debt to us were liable for 73,000/. on their account at the time of their Allure." Mr. Laurence had "implicit faith" in Herbert Smith ; "the amount of their •debt•was in- creased from 40,0001. to 97,000/. since 1859:" -.Streatfeild Co.• had a foreiguterrespondhig clerk named Rider in their eMployment, Ville went to Paris and set up business on his own account; Streatfeild and Co. lent him 10001. " We are now liable on•his accountfor 40,000/." Rider did a large trade with tho United States, and in order 'to his being able to"" get goods on the best terms we gave him our acceptances ; we did not often' look at his account; we' always thought 'it 'safe." Mr. Laurence oleo Mated the particulars of the debts of Gibson,' upon whose account Striatfeilds were liable 120,0001.'; -Schrader, 22,0001.' -Waring, 32,000 ; 57,000; Draper's, 52,000. " A greater falsehood` was never ntterednhi the City of London" 'than a suggestion 'that Streatfeild and Co. charged commission on the renewal of bills. In 1857, the firm deposited deeds with the Bank of England, who discounted for 180,0001. Overend, Gurney and Co. had deeds deposited with them "three days bekee the bankruptcy " [stoppage]. " They lent us 20,0001.. We had no idea Of stoppage. Not being able to get our bills discounted, I went to Mr. Chapman'ts private residence, and said that we could not get on, and that we 'should require some assistance. • He said, • Oh, you must not stop ; t and next day I d ited'with- him• deeds, and reeelred•.20;0001. as a temporary loan • " 13, 1. wee paid into the Joint-Stoek•Barik,•,20001. to Liverpool account; 2000/. to Herbert Smith and'Co., 10001.-toSmith, Pa- tient,•and Smith, and 1000/. toTtIOMitiMortimore. "Herbert Smith asked for the'2000/.; I rive it to him to prevent his' stoppage ;" and 10001. to
Smith and Co. with the same intention. '
The last examinations were passed; all questions as to conduct being re- served for the certificate Meetings. -•
The dispute between Mr. Price and Mr: Prince anent Afrelt''P,rice, has been transferred from the farms and lanes of Somersetsbire fp llibtourts of Law. A writ of habeas corpus has been granted by Baron Witde,,'sitting in chambers, commandingthe Reverend Lewis l'rice to produce his captured wife'before the said Herrn, and show cause why he detains her and prevents
Ab her from enterifig;theode'of Love, and there joining Brother Prince. Mrs. Price makes affidavit that she desires to return. '
At the Central Criminal Court, Job Timmins Was tried fir faking a 'girl ili
undereirige,Of -sixteen fromher parents without their Cousent.o=lflhrmine carried the girl about the town for two or three days, and itheir he' luid vent all his money he sent her' home. She its a ebnatirtifig"party; and was not seduced or deceived iii the ordinary sense, She in aibrseardgirlof fourteen: ,.The defence set Up was leayeUrallicense fromthe, girt herself, who had already, before- the abduation;:granted favourato,tha men., This defence waa not admitted.; Timmins was found; guillyebot sentence was de. ferrod, mid be Ayas allowed to go at large on bail ; became tbe jadge agreed to autimitia paint of law, ripthe Court of Criminal Apperd.,,, „Itiseas contended that ehece „was nothing to show that the prisoner intended' o deprive the fatheribktliepoelension of his daughter. On , he,sanaefdaY,'Williain Slater and William,Vivion,, keepers at Colney Hatch Asyrtajni,x-ere tried for the manslaughter of a., patient, William Swift. The .ense was peculiar. It was proved tlitit'Sitift Illid assaulted Gann, a keepti,Ind,the latter admitted that he hi&i.iven &eft a severe bloir in the stomach. Gann was reseued Fronk 4. irift by Other 'keepers at a moment when thelundie had nearly strangledhitte.• ' Fouidaye mterwards Swiftdied-orrid post mortsent examination shoettdieatiluiblid,beeri roughly treated by some one, for the arch of the 'chest wee smashed one and his: rite were broben4eyeef 'there were no signs, of external injury, J.Thei charge against Slew, siridNiyina rested tia thoiallogations. of,two,ientiticesthe;geve evidence in court,.„Aimenel Clark deposed that,,Natec:Lanttliivtade ball dragged Swift into the-"padded room," and had'thEre knelt upon and kicked him "for nearly an hour." Varney told the same story, but said the kicking and violence onlytleated ttenmleastes." Dr. Tyerman and Dr. , Tucker, officers connected with -the tisylani,--deposed that Swift made no complaints eel the eveuing before be died, and seemed natelerately.well., If he had been kicked, as described; there must have been external marks of violence, but there were, none— Dr. Partridge prided out the injuries could not have been. tnflicted several daysibefore \,de th of Swift, with- out exhibitiriginaffrecl symptoms el haying received, di. • They would have materially ifin'eteirrespiration. :Hie much Vitireti lAia. been used as that described and`Clark, there must havelfee external marks. Dr. Luke, of St.:Liikers,Vivi similar evidence. :Bid how did The deeduied alient.get injured? vale; inquiry has not solved 'that. The Jury, giving uue 7.Nbt, doubt{ tolhe fitettbst theamideipal witne,ssectigainst Slater and Vivian were irresponsible lunatics, foand:them to:be "Not guilty." • On Wednesday;-Catherine-Simpson was found guilty-of; the 'charge of biting 4rfl'the :nose- of Flemish 'Atkins, sind•sent to prison:for eighteen months—a light.;:rinnishmeat.loThitAfeediousi ereatureelms -kitten an in- spector, injured kyh_gx.loth Nether nianta.eye, partially deprived her hus-
band oflik ears, and "so damaged his nose with her teeth, that seventeen stiches have had to be put into it! "
On Thursday, Daniel de Is Cherois Gourley, physician, was indicted for breach of tract—that of converting to his own use several sums of money which he received as a trustee. Being an executor, he misused moneys be- longing to the widow of a testator. He was found guilty, and sentenced to six months' imprisonment with: hard, labour. " A most unjust stence, my Lord and Jury," said the convict.
. ,
Further investigation has been made into the Stepney murder ,before the Coroner's Jury. and the Thawed Street Magistrate. etrou,g 'feeling was manifested against Mullins by the mob. The proceedings befo the Magi- strate on Tuesday were of a forrnal nature, the prosecution the corpus delictily showing that Mrs. Emsley wee murdered. Mr.:Weidner, for the prosecution, produced a plasterer's hammer found in the'dtelline of the prisoner Mullins, and asked Dr. Gill, who made a post mite :exami- nation, if such an instrument as that was likely to cause the wchahhe had described. Dr. Gill said,—" It is my opinion that an histruinent,'Hke that did occasion the wounds." Mr. Wontner—" Have you measured 'ilk sharp end of that instrument ? " Dr. Gill—" I have; and it corresponds with the length of the wound above the left eyebrow." Mr. Won tner—" Look at the other end of the hammer. Would that produce the circular wound you have spoken of ?" Dr. Gill—" I have no doubt the Skull has been fractured by such an instrument as this. The circular wound has been produced by repeated blows, forcing the skull into the brain, and 'I judge this by the ex- treme crispness of the edges." Mr. Selfe--" Was thet injury done by one- blow, Mr. Gill ?" Dr. Gill—" No, sir, not by one blow. The opening is too large to have been inflicted by one blow. ' It was done with some heavy instrument, as the skull was starred in all directions."
At the Coroner's inquest, Mr. Joseph Bigg, Minister of the Apostolic Church, expressed his belief that certain lenses found in the pared in the outhouse belonged to Mrs. Emsley. Elizabeth George, charwontan, identi- fied Mullins as the man she had seen at Mrs. Emsley's house on the Satur- day before the murder. Mrs. Emsley was talking to him about washing- some kitchen ceilings. Walter Dims, his daughter Susanneh,■and two of his sons, were examined. They proved that the father had And,been out of his house until after nine on the Saturday morning when Mullins said he had seen him go to the outhouse between eight and nine. trio children proved that Mullins had been in the brickfield immediately ;before Emms was arrested. Sergeant Thomas proved that the shed in whiaii . the parcel was found was as accessible to any one else as it was to g aim. This in- quiry is now adjourned until the 16th of °dolma%
A man calling himself Charles Gault perpetrated a daring robbery on Sa- turday at midday. Entering a watchmaker's shop he inquired. of the boy in charge for the master, Mr. Walker.. The answer. was that Me. Walker was not in. 'When would he be in ? In. about an hour. Gault at once seized the boy by the throat, and a confederate entered and carried off a number of watches. As soon as the confederate had gone, Gault bolted ; but the boy rushing out in pursuit and crying, " Stop thief,'' the fellowAvas captured.
Mr. Walter Charles Stewart, 'many years cashier of the Daily Niles, has been committed for trial on a charge of embezzling nearly 6001. It seems that a warrant was issued against him some time back, and placed in the hands of a detective officer, who was, however, unable to discover the pri- soner's residence, and it was only when he was brought to the police-station charged by a cabmen with not paying him his fare that the warrant could be executed. The prisoner was identified by an officer.
The Southwark Magistrate has sent Elizabeth Fowler to prison for three months Ar fortune-telling. While there are dupes, know% will abound. Frances Garrett was induced to go to Mrs. Fowler, and found lid" sitting in a dark room smoking a pipe. Cards were shuffled, and ridioulouemrediotions made for sixpence! The husband of another dupe said that unfortunately for him his wife had known the prisoner for some time, and, she had so worked on her feelings within the last few months, that she had driven his wife nearly mad. The latter, in consequence, had got into drinikeu• habits, and pledged and sold everything she could lay. her, hands on to purchase drink. with, and supply money. to the prisoner. He added Out his wife was so afraid of the fortune-teller, she would not come forward.
A fire destroyed on Wednesday morning a large range of premises, at Rateliff, belonging to -Mr. .Cierke, and used as a, steam. hiseuit, bakery.. Three horses and large quantities, of Remr, and bisenda .WortrodcatroYed- Mr. Clarke is a Navy contractor, aud 'his loss is unhappily not covered by insurance..