Mr. A. Seymour, the Liberal candidata for Exeter, lass tio,Ithissed. the electors. He promises •to walk in the footsteps of Mr. Divett, the re- tiring Member. He is for vote by ballot, and a large extension of 'the franchise. Mr. Seymour is supported by.Mr. Denby Seyniour, M.P. • At the request of many among the friends, of 'the Ink, Locke, Me. Moffatt, late Member for Ashburton, who had been intimately associated with Ur. Locke during the whole of his rarliatneutary carer, will be proposed as a,candidate to fill the vacancy timed by the sudden and la- mented death of Mr. Locke. - .
- Mr. Laing, Member for the Northern Burghs and Secretary of the Treasury, unable to visit his constituents, has forwarded to them an. address, in which he states his'riews on the history of the past and thb policy- of the future,— "The fact that throughout the vicissitudes of a long and eventful sessiott no serious wish has been shown by any considerable party, either in the House of Commons or the country, to displace the Preneneadthinistration affords the best proof that on the whole it represents adequately the en- lightened ppbiic opinion and prevailing sentiments of the nation. That national feeling is for the present directed mainly towards foreign Akira, and demands above all things that dac provision be made for the safety and defence of the empire. The Russian and'Italian wars, the Indian muting, and other recent events, have rudely dispelled the confidence which ten a y rs ago was so generally felt in the event of a millerinIum of eace and prosperity; oldie-ere impressed on the minds of avast majority of thinkmg' men the concludon that tbia is a period of proliatiori'ind peril, in which the nation's best energies must The braced up to the paramount duty of Main- taining at all hazards the greatness and dignity of the empire; We have received a neble inheritattee'from our fathers, and our first elate Must be to
make such provision that by blessing of Providenee we may hand it down not less great and glorions to those who come after us. The `Volunteer more- Ment is at once the beat representative of the national feeling and the surest guarantee for its continuance and results. In this state of things the duty of the Gerernment is obvious—to guide and organize the movement of the nation ; to improve the efficiency of the army and navy and fortify the dockyarde, but at the same time to avoid extravagance; to preserve a tone of moderation With foreign_ powers ; to-omit nofinv opportunity oneementingfriendly alli- ances by commercial intercourse; and, Di a word, while prepared for war to show that we wish for peace. Such is the policy which the nation desires, and which the government has endeavoured, not, I hope, without success, to carry into effect."
The East Cumberland Agricultural Society met on Tuesday at Carlisle.
Mr. Themes Salkeld took the chair; Mr. Howard,. of Corby, occu- pied the vice-chair. Sir James Graham and Mr. Lawson were both preeeikt. Sir James was the chief speaker, but he was almost wholly local;, praise of Cumberland' yeomen and border farmers, and support of the-Volanteer movement, the wet summer and so on, all topics local- or agricultural. Sir dames, however, told a pretty story about a Cumber-
Applications," he, said, "have been made to me ,repeatedly by great *downers in the South of England to recommend to them from this county oftlumberland and from the neighbouring county of Westmoreland.persons well qualified-to manage large estates. Now, hire ilia circumstance I.may reveal without being guilty of.a_breach of conndence. When I.was ,one. of the savant* of the Crown, the Prince Consort did we the honour. to ask if thereavas any one whom I could recommend to undertake the management of the nicauelnirm at Windsor. There was a yoneganan, son of a tenant of mine,. whom I could conscientiously recommend to that appointment. (Cheers.) iris father was dead. He had been trained upon a large farm. He was the right hand of.his mother who held one of the best farms on my estate.. I.offered it to hint ; but what was.the feeling-he manifested ? He weaned flattered by the offer; he was not:attracted by the position. But he said, I feel that I am of use to my mother and sisters • I am happy where.I am,; :I thank you f lint the offer, let me have.a share in. the lease ; let my name. be associated along with my mother's, and I would prefer to remain, in Cumberland.' (Cheers.) Failing. this Cumberland farmer, what US my meet step ? I recommended an excellent. farmer from the opposite side of the Border—from the. county. of Dumfries. He -received the ap- pointment, and managedthe Home Farm at Windsor with so muchsatisfike- lion to-the Royal family Chet their regret at losing him was extreme. Where did lie go to ? He went to .manage the estate of the Duke of Rich- mondia &unsex, and both the Duke and Lord. March told me.of the great loss they sustained when the connexion ceased. His estates in Nottingham- shire aremanaged bya _Border-farmer, whom I also had the good fortune to recommend. These, then, are instances which, I am satisfied, without flat- tery, show that the home of the Cumberland. yeoman, and the education of the Cumberland fanner, on a large scale, afford a better training in the best System.ofagriculture than any college would produce. . . . When lam gone, Lmay be remembered as one who was firmly attached to his native country, who tnrough a long life had. done his best to preserve and improve that property which I inherited, and that to the last hour of my life my great- est pleesore was still to continue in Cumberland an improving, farmer." (Cheers.) The Warwickshire Agricultural Society held its annual festival at Coleahill on Wednesday. Mr. Adderley and Mr. Newdemate were pre- sent. Mr. Adderley.occupiecl.himaelf in making good humoured attacks on Mr. Bright. Mr. Newdegate made some enigmatical remarks on Pro- tection.
Mr. Adderley had said incidentally that Protection was dead. In one sense it might-be, thanks to the exertions of Mr. Adderley's friend, Mr. Bright ; but, if it was nationally dead, how came it that we had a Poor Law ? Then, again, there was education—a favourite.subjeet with his right honourable friend—how came it that the country enjoyed that, if Protection was dead ? Protection was not dead ; it was a principle of our nationality, and burned now more brightly than ever.
The Church Missionary Society held a special meeting_ at Birmingham on Tuesday. It was remarkable for a speech delivered by Colonel Sir Herbert Bdwardes, on the necessity of converting the people of India to Christianity. The only true conquest must be Christianity. The native Christians were loyal throughout the mutiny. Why has there been no greater progress made towards the conversion of the Hindoos, because we have adopted the policy of neutrality ?
Thegreatest instance of -unfaithfulness on the part/of our Government was the enclu.sion of the Bible from every school in India. The result of this exelasion was to render, young India infidel to the back-bone, and, therefonn.not to-respect its religion in the least. Every science taught in our .Government schools destroyed, piecemeal but effectually, the Bengal religion, and left the inhabitants of India without one—in fact, Atheists. That was the process going on gradually but surely, and the reason of it was that Government refused to introduce the Bible into their schools. 'What-was the remedy for this state of things ? The answer given by a large portion dike British public was, " The only remedy is to put the Bible into every British school, and let the attendance at the-Bible classes be vo- luntary. ' It would-not be candid for him to agree with that opinion, be- cause he went further. He would put the Bible into every Government school, alidlet attendance at the Bible classes be the sine qua'non of admis- sion to them. It might be said that this was compulsion, butit was not, because no child need go to a Government school if his parents objected to nt.: Among the many objections to this was that which aro, ed that we had no right to take the money of the people of India to teach them. our religion. But those who reasbned thus reasoned as Englishmen living under repre- sentative institutions. It was not an objection to be applied to British India, which was a conquered country. Our position there was that of des- pite, and as kind and-Christian despots we must be content to rule the country. They had no representative government, and they had no right to demand that they should be rebid in their way. It was said that it the Bible went put into the schools, the schools would he deserted, and a rebel- lion would break out. But against this he could bring his own life-long ex- perience, and give it a fiat contrailictican In the missionary schools of India not only was the Bible put, but it woe the sineq,na on of adm/saion- Did that prevent Indian parents from sending their children to these schools ? Detidedly, no. He could tell-that in his presidency the most popular schools in Ihdia were the missionary schools, and that where a missionary school and a Government school stood side by side, the mass entered the former, and the minority.the latter. He did not pretend. to say: that the maanattenden.the missionary schools because the Bible was there.. They chose those schools bemuse the secular instruction was better. But he
ntiene& the fact to show that the missionary schools were largely at-
deal, in spite of the Bible being there, and that while there were other iehoelii where there_ wilario Bible, The limply of India did not object to the Bible, nor to any attempts at converting them, so long as those attempts Were openly and honestly made. But they were fearftilly suspicious, and their idea—an idea not dissipated-by the Government—was that conversion was brought shout by netball:m-0r contact, and not by argument or nooks. Ragland tact done far more to drive India to rebellion than it could ever do by the introduction of the Bible. As the real: of his, own experience, he could assure the meeting, that the ifatinnts.K. Y cmilinual fear of being cheated into the religion-of their masters ;:_.and the reason was that, the Govenunent of England had neglected to teach them that Christianity was not a thing to be taken into the stomach, but a thing to be felt in the heart, and comprehended-by the understanding. The last objection to the, introduction of the Bible was that the time had not come. But he was =w- ed those who believed that if it was a duty at all, the time was today on never. There would be no better-time, and if we looked for a halcyon day when the deep-seated love of India for its old religion would be uproo,-.W. without an eflbrt on our parts, we should be disappointed.
The meeting of course cordially sympathisixt with these views, anti~ voted thanks to the speaker by acclamation.
The Bishop of St. Asaph has wow the golden-opinions of the aged in his diocese. He has entertained at dinner in his palate an assemblage of men and women, all above seventy years old, whose united- ages amounted to 6254. Mr. Robert Hughes' one oftthe oldest, he is ninety, gave the toast,." Good health to the Bishop ; " and said- " My Lord, I have seen in my time (inoluding your Lordship) eight. bishops of St. Asaph--Ilishop Shipley, Bishop Halifax, Bishop Begot, Bishop IlearstehRishep Luxmoore, and Bishop Carey.. All these have I seen and known, and until this day such a treat as this lies never been given in St., Asaph. We have also reason,, my Lord, to he thaukful to. God and to you
for the very good dinner we have just had. We have also to be thankful to Providence for the river which flows beneath at tho lower end of the city ;, and-to your Lordship for providing the erecting a fountain, ta convey the water to the upper part of St. A.saptidor the benefit of bath out and young.. Posterity,my Lord, will not, fail to appreciate this great and. lasting boon, and be thankful. I hope, and all, around me hope, that this. great kindness will, be remembered. from generation to generation." (Ap- plause.) The other speakers expressed their feelings with similar enthusiasm. The Bishop took them through his palace and showed them his pictures , and then the venerable group were photographed. They gave thre4 cheers for the Bishop and -departed.
The movement intended-to promote an increased supply -of cotton has resulted so far in a practical Measure. 'Yesterday week a meeting was held in the Mayor's parlour, Manchester, convened by Mr. Thomas. Baaley„ to discuss the propriety of forming a. Joint-Stock Company, Limited, the chief object of which should_be to buy cotton in India, of an improved quality and ship it to this country. It was, however, re- commended. that a model. farm should be established in the East Indiea for the cultivation- of superior cotton for coarse spinning, and another model farm in Australia, where all cottons-of the Brasil, Egyptian, and Sea Maud. qualities could' be produced, The suggested amount of capi- tal was 100,0001., in 1000 -shares of 1001. each. It' was recommended that nine-tenths of the capital should' be devotedlo the supplies of-cot- ton from the East Indies, and the other tenth employed in Au.stralia for Cotton of the long stained and fine classes. It is believed that in the Eastludies and Australia the Government will render every possible fa- cility, making free grants of laud or concessions of= land on terms almost equal to s gift, and lending assistance to procure labour. Government camera would be:instructed to support the just inMrests.of the company, and to protect its rights and property. The company would avail itself of the most improved mechanicalappliances. Itia considered reasonable to anticipate a profitable return of 25 per cent. on the paid-up capital is some time after the first year's experience ; but it may be desirable not to divide more than 10 per cent, profit, and to employ the surplus till capital has.aocumulated to-one millien. Mr, Bazley, after dwelling on the important:* of the cotton trade, employing a population ectrial.ta that of all Belgium, and a capital equal to the national revenue, said— All the efforts this: time haring been found inadequate to the exigency of.the position in which the trade is placed, he submitted that the timelas arrived for. more active exertions, It has often been suggested that the ootton-spioning Mierests.of Lancashire should set an, example by becoming directly the encouragers of cotton growing. He feared that, on many, occasions, thanutility of cotton we had received, and were capsble of receiving, from the East Ind'iea, had been unjustly depreciated. To his. own knowledge, most excellent cotton could be had from India—cotton as good aafrera. the Mined Staten. The thing; only waated grappliug with. We Mare more land in Britian Rome-miens, capable of produnmg abundancaof cotton than any othee.ceuntrpessessed. The Americans, by their extra- ordinary energy, will proab _1S41he coming year not less than 504100,0,0f. sterling -for . ae anclustry which originated, in imported la- bour applied to a plant tlintwae not indigenous. Surely,. the sous of Beg- land mad do what their friends and. relatives had done across the Atlantic Thene bad. been too much Supineness on. this questioni and he submitted tnat it was, not a mere question of philanthropy or patriotism, but a clues" tips of interest, that the spinners and.manufa,cturers of this country could supply themselves with cotton abuudantly from other parts of the world at as cheap a rate and as good a quality aafrom American or any other foreign source whatever. He was glad to find that the growth of cotton was again thought ot in Jamaica; there were also hopes of Africa ; but India must be the great-dn.-of cultivation. Unquestionably, the native cultivators bad great difficulties to conthat;. and-it would' be the greatebject of the proposed company to communicate-direetly-with the-rynts, or planters, and hold out to them the sure prospect of a good marketplace for their cotton. At pre- sent, the cotton receined.from BritisteIhnla was in as good condition as that front tlieTnited States, ad greatly had the supply from the latter source been depreciated lathe last year or two by adulteration with sand. We should reeeive aanere legitimate, and probably more extensive, return trade from. India than from any, other country. 'fl few millions of slaves, in America were na great consumers of British: manufactures. We could not expect a slave population to be great consumers of the comforts or luxuries of life; we muettook to free men in, free couenies for an extensive and en- teadingtrade.
The meeting agreed to form the company, and took the first steps ne- cessary to call it into being.
The manufacturers and operativecheld a kind of conference at Not- tingham on Monday in the Corn,Exchange. An operative presided, and operatives and manufacturers furnished several speakers. The chief ob- ject of the meeting apparently- was mainly held for the purpose of hearing an explanation from the manufacturers of the reasons why they cannot concede the demands of the men. Mr. Mundella and Mr. Lee Were the speakers. Mr. Lee showed' that wages are higher now than forinerly before machinery fraa__introduced,wncl that the state of trade did not- admit of higher wages,llmartispeff given in 1859. Mt'. MULL.-
della said— ,
The hosiery trade is subject to great- ecametit4eir from ahem& -000226! competition hes been-growing year after yearnakantateattnre= trade, aid
1,4. Zol ease ' • -■-■=1"
the employers had Mt it very much of late. At the beginning of the pre- sent year the Government had taken all the duties off German goods. That gives the German -manufacturer a premium of 6cf. per dozen upon his goods. They come into England without any duty'it ail, at litt. per dozen less than
they did at the beginning of this year. Another effect is this—that, if these goods come into England at fit. per dozen less than formerly, the English manufacturer could only get about half the trade. Within the past week ho had received samples of goods from Germany which he could purchase considerably cheaper than what he could make them at. The advance given in March last has never been obtained by the manufacturers. it is out of all reason to expect manufacturers to give the advance now,. for if they make the goods they would have to put them upon the shelves. It is now a question of fight between the English manufacturers and the Germans, and while we are quarrelling they are reaping the benefit, and their warehouses are as busy as possible. They are getting orders as fast as possible, and taking our trade from us.
The men did not seem very well satisfied ; but at the close the follaw-
Ofresolution, proposed byldr. Mundell*, was agreed to- ' That., should the question in dispute be amicably settled, this meeting recommends that a board of arbitration be formed, consisting of six manu- facturers and six workmen,, to whom all questions relating to the rates of labour in the hosiery trade shall be referred.'
Happily the strike is ended. The deputation of working men,who at- tended the conference at the General Exchange, Nottingham, on Mon- clay last, have since that time visited the hands throughout the Sutton hose and half-hose districts, and after having fully represented to them the bearingsof the debate at the Conference, have-been empowered by the Trades' Union to declare the strike to be at an end. In accordance with this authority, the deputation had on Thursday en interview with Messrs. Menaella, Leo, and Ashwell; when the f011itiving resolution, formally de- claring the termination of the strike, and the terms upon which it has been abandoned, was drawn up and signed by the respective parties to the contract-
" We the undersigned,heing delegates from the manufacturers and opera- tives engaged in the various branches of the hosiery trade, having met in conference at the Corn Exchange, on Monday, the 17th of September; 1860; mutually agree that, in consideration of the reasons discussed, and the fact* adduced as to the position and prospects of the trade, it is to the interest of the operatives and the trade generally that the strike in the Sutton hose and half-hose branches shall at once cease, and that work be resumed at the prices current in January, 1860. further agreed that, in order to pre- vent a-recurrence of strikes which have been so disastrous to employers and employed, and to protect the mutual interests of masters and workmen, a board of arbitration be at once formed, to consist of six manufacturers and six operatives, to which all questions relating to the, wages of labour shall be referred. The decision of the said board shall be final and binding upon
This document is signed by responsible persons on behalf both of the employers and operatives.
An. examination; strictly private, of the household of Mr. Kent, of Road, has now been had at Road. Hill House. Mr. Slack acted on behalf of the Magistrates Mr. Dann being present on behalf of the gents. In addition to the inmates, Holliday, a lad who did-housework for Mr. Kent, and who was discharged from Mr. Kent's employ on the day of the murder, was ex- amined. Rut we have no advices of the examination of Mr. Kent, Mrs. Kent, or Miss Constanee‘Kent.
Lieutenant Lewins, of the Thirty-First Regiment of Bengal Native In- fantry; who-threw-a schoolboy into the middle of a road at Sunderland, has been fined 201. The boy had been very provoking, and had damaged a shrubbery, and Lieutenant Lewis has expressed his regret that in chastising him he lost his temper.
Mr. Sparrow; iron broker, Wolverhampton, has-been committed for trial on a charge of assaulting Mr. Griffiths, also an iron broker of the same town, with intent to do him grievous bodily harm. Sparrow beat him violently in the street, irritated by some expressionsin a circular on the iron trade is- sued by Griffiths.
Thomas Neasam, an idle, dissolute fellow, has killed his wife during a quarrel at Liverpool. Neasam had no visible means of living, but kept _greyhounds, and was " addicted to coursing." His wife earned money, but
she also drunk, and called her husband a." returned convict," and much else. Whereupon, he slew her, by stabbing her in the left side. She screamed; ran into the street, and died. Neasam at once surrendered.
A eingular accident' has occurred at the Sheffield station of the Rother- ham Railway. A: Mi. Chadwick and a Mrs. Simpson were passengers from Rotherham. In attempting to cross the line, they did not see a train ap- proaching. Mr. Chadwick cleared the danger, and the old lady tried to followvand fell. The station-master, rushing to her assistance, seized her and swung her clear of the line; but her clothes catching a step, she was dragged and killed. The station-master and Mr. Chadwick, who also ran in to help, were knocked down and severely hurt.
During a fit of temporary insanity, Thomas Hargreavla*, colour-sergeant of the,84thilegiment, a man of good character, shot himself through the bead with.his rifle, in the Regent Road Barracks at Manchester.