[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SFECTAT011.1 St,—As a unit
among the gropers in faith, I should like warmly to thank the writer for his Scriptural, sober, yet most sympathetic article on the above subject in the Spectator of September 15th. But comprehensive, within our chartered limits, as it is, may I suggest that there yet is omitted one note of comfort given by our Lord Himself in the words that speak of a place being "prepared" for us? Those who can rejoice actually, or through the thankful elegies of memory, in pleasures and homes " prepared " for them by the devotion of parental or other fervent love, will know what I mean. And if we, "being evil," can give this shadow of joy to idiosyncrasies we know and love, how shall not the Creator of spirits give its substance, when the place that has been " prepared " by the Redeemer receives the soul, also "pre- pared" for it and for the "receiving you unto Myself," that opens vistas of encircling Almighty love, with "light, more light," and "pleasures for evermore" P—I am, Sir, &c.,
Shute Leigh, Wellington, Somerset.
CLuourxE Rox.