Mr. Chamberlain's Address, Also Issued On Thursday,...
be expected, chiefly with the South African War and the settlement. He shows how monstrous is the accusation that the Government precipitated the war, and then asks whether the......
Nevertheless, The Circular May Not Mean Peace. As We Have
repeatedly pointed out, the capture of Pekin is not the conquest of China, and the Empress and her advisers may think it safest, as well as least humiliating, to resist. This......
The War In South Africa Is Ending As We Always
believed it would end,—that is, in the melting away of the Boer forces and without any heroic last stand or "staggering of humanity" by a Boer Thermopylw. Telegraphing on......
Mr. Balfour Issued His Election Address On Thursday...
boldly declaring his belief that it would be impossible to find in the history of this country "any Parliament which has more successfully carried out the policy, or more......
The Nationalist Party In Paris Has Levelled A Cunning Blow
at the Government, which has fallen short, however. The President of the municipality, M. Grebauval, invited all the Mayors of the Communes of France, fifteen thousand in......
The Peoples Of Europe Have Accepted The Circular With A
unanimous expression of pleasure, and it seems to be under- stood that it will be at once endorsed, not only by Austria and Italy, but by Japan, France, and Great Britain.......
Mr. Bryan, The Candidate Of The Democratic Party For The
American Presidency, has issued a manifesto announcing the principles upon which he will conduct the contest. He declares against Trusts, and is on the workmen's side in almost......