Studies in Texts. By Joseph Parker, D.D. Vol. VI. (Horace
Marshall and Son. 3s. 6d.)—This is the completing volume of Dr. Parker's "Studies." The title is not descriptive, for the texts, so far at least as this volume is concerned, are rather mottoes than subjects. The preacher does not interpret a complete saying, but gives us reflections more or less suggested by the words. "We abode in the valley," for instance, in Deut. iii. 29 (describ- ing the halt of Israel while Moses ascends Pisgah), is made the occasion for various moralisings on life, sometimes forcible enough, but not always in the best taste. "Christ has abolished death. Poor, poor death ! What ! Abolished ? It is an act of contempt, and yet an act of sovereignty." Surely a little more sobriety of expression would be more becoming.