The Queen, mindful of the splendid loyalty recently shown by
Australia, has in a most kindly message permitted the Duke of York to open the first Session of the first Australian Parliament, and the Duke will
sail southwards in command of two Royal yachts and a small squadron of cruisers. The arrangement, which has given acute pleasure to the Colonists, is both a gracious and a wise one,—wise because it recognises in a striking way the position of Australia as an integral factor in the Empire, gracious because it shows that the Royal house heartily approves that recognition. It is only a ceremony,' say those who object, and will cost money;' but ceremonies are symbols, and the money which helps to bring us allies like the Australian horsemen is money well laid out. The Monarchy is the symbol of our unity, and anything which brings its existence pleasantly before any separate section of the Queen's dominion helps to bind the chain which the war in South Africa has shown to be one of steel.