For the rest, news from Russia is vague and inconclusive.
M. Stolypin continues his attempt to play the part of a wise Constitutional Minister in an unconstitutional place. He has taken measures to repress pogroms, and he has expressed his extreme horror at the performances at Siedlce. But he has no real power, and the true policy of the Government is seen in its refusal to allow the Constitutional Democrats to hold their Congress or to give them a legal status, and its avowed intention of excluding them from the coming Duma. The Emperor, meantime, has prolonged his yachting cruise in Finnish waters, and did not return for the funeral of General Trepoff, a significant absence when we consider the loyalty he has always shown to the memory of his trusted servants. It would be well if he could take the lesson of Finland to heart, where the Extraordinary Diet has just come to a satisfactory close, and where the moderation and constitu- tionalism of the Speech from the Throne have given universal satisfaction.