22 SEPTEMBER 1906, page 13

Naval Supremacy And National Safety.

LTO TIM EDITOR OF THU "SricarATou.".1 Si,—In the Spectator of September 8th there is in a leading article this statement : " To be surrounded by water makes a State infinitely......

John Wesley And Eternal Torture.

ILTO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOIL.” . 1 SIR,—Your correspondent "J. Ll. D." in the Spectator of September 15th says that it is very remarkable that Dr. Fitchett should have......

• The Agitation In Bengal.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin.,—May an old Bengal officer cordially join in your regret that so much prominence should be given to the futile agitation now being......

The " Spectator " And Universal Military Training.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPRCTATOR.n Sin,--May the National Service League be allowed to con- gratulate you upon the successful termination of the important Experiment in national......