- Spiritual control can quite defensibly, and quite easily we
should imagine, be distinguished from those political and financial questions with which the State must, of course, concern itself in regard to an Established Church. If the Bishops take the expected line, as we hope they will, they will have to try to create an atmosphere favourable to the amendment of the Enabling Act: They will have to discover how many statesmen are willing to help them, and they will have to devote themselves to a mission of public persuasion, which will make .a heavy draft upon their energy. But the prize is worth winning. The relation of Church and State would be preserved on a basis that would have all the elements of permanence. Compared with this policy, the question how far the Revised Book can be used is a minor matter. Yet it is important too, for any plan that looked like a deliberate defiance of Parliament would react dangerously on the policy for the spiritual freedom of the Church.