22 SEPTEMBER 1928, page 19

Some Books Of The Week

NIEL - John A. Gade writes -with such exuberance in Christian IV (Allen and Unwin, 18s.) that he occasionally lapses into a schoolroom style and tells us that James the tennis......

When The Open Air Boy By The Rev. G. M.

A. Hewett (Wykeham Press, 6s.) was first published—almost a generation ago—it was greeted as a new species of book. A school- master, of so ancient a foundation as Winchester,......

Messrs. Cape's New Edition Of Mr. Walter Geer's...

La Marquise de la Tour Du Pin's famous book, Recollections of the Revolution and the Empire (15s.), will be welcomed by all lovers of vivid autobiography. Madame de la Tour Du......

Brought Up In . A Basement In Jipping Street In A Neighbouta

hood where no one policeman ever walked alone, where the nauseating smells of a tanyard and a pickle factory vied with the sickly-sweet odour of chloroform from a hospital, Miss......

What Did Sir Arthur Keith Really Say About The Soul

of man ? Assuredly not that it did not exist. He has no quarrel - with religion. Darwinism and What it Implies (Watts, is.) is not that the Biblical account of creation is......

The Late Sir. Dominic Colnaghi, While Consul-general At...

his patient archivist talent to the records of the Guild of the Artists. Upon his researches he based the exhaustive Dictionary of Florentine Painters (The Bodley Head, £3 3s.)......

The "crested And Prevailing Name Of M. X. Marcel Boulestin

lends - weight in a preface to Dinners, Long and Short, by Mr. A. H. Adair. Yes, "it is just as easy to order a good meal as it is to order a bad one, just as simple for the......

Professor Andrade Could Not Be Dull If He Tried. In

Engines (G. Bell, 7s. 6d.) a series of lectures for boys, he is exceptionally interesting. We should all know the principles on which the power of the world is generated—but how......

A New Competition' The Editor Offers A Prize Of Five

guineas for the most practical suggestions, written legibly on a postcard, on," If I were the Editor, of the Spectator." The closing date ' for this competition will be Friday,......
