[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The Home Secretary has stated that he would be a happy individual if he could legislate further regarding a children's charter. Surely, Sir, in this the age_ of youth one has a part to play, humble though it be, in moulding public opinion which hampers or encourages our statesmen.
I venture to suggest that a charter of youth should embrace clauses to include :—
(a) The closure of prison gates to young persons under 18.
(b) The raising of the school age and more effective after care by the education authorities placing children in work, instead of the Ministry of Labour.
(c) The abolition of all forms of night work for young people.
(d) Diminution of nurabee of boys employed in mines. (a) Protection of the interests of young employees engaged in the catering industry.
(f) The elimination of promising lads from becoming blind alley workers after being discarded as messengers.
(g) More-health inspection of young persons engaged in industry
between 16 and 20. - ,