• On the other side of the balance-sheet is the
suppression . . of Parliament, the suppression of the Press, the suppres- sion of all liberty of speech. It is -inconceivable that Englishmen would tolerate any administration, however capable, upon such conditions. It may work m Spain, but the experiment is hardly old enough yet for us yet to say. The eternal difficulty is that " one man rule" can provide no• real successor. The Marques de Estella, however, is said to be coaching the Patriotic Union to carry c n when he retires, and also to be devising some kind of single-chamber Parliament. Immediately before the celebrations of last week a large number of arrests were made in Spain and this gave life to extravagant rumours about a great counter-revolutionary movement. What happened in fact was that the Dictator. caused all suspected persons to be arrested. After the junketings they were mostly released without any further question's being asked. The Dictator still has the whip hand.,