As in the case of Italy there is an undisputed
credit account against the debit account. The Dictator has exacted efficiency from the departments ; he has made the Budget more than balance ; he has ended the pre- posterous drain of national wealth in Morocco ; he is developing the great internal resources of Spain. He even talks of a world-wide Spanish-speaking entente. This would be, if it ever came about, one of time's pleasing revenges. For generations Spain bled her colonies and yet, owing to corruption and incompetence, she did not compensate herself for the cost of keeping the colonies in submission. One by one they revolted and became free. Even when it seemed that Spain was at last relieved of her burden by force of circumstances, and that she could turn her eyes inwards and put her own house in order, pride still kept her pouring out money upon the wastes of Morocco. But now her trade is increasing and a union of sentiment between her and the overseas countries of Spanish origin might greatly help, it.