MAN DISPOSES. By Felix Holloender. (Faber and Gwyer. 7s. 6d.)-Bright
and theatrical, this book of the film Vaudeville catches something of the simple magic of the old German fairy tales. Stephen Huller is the son of famous Berlin acrobats. His father, devoted to his pretty but unfaithful wife, murders her seducer and commits suicide, exacting With his last breath a promise from Stephen that he will have nothing to do with women. Stephen betrays his vow, but after marriage the consciousness of having broken it drives him to the verge of madness, from which he is only saved as by a miracle. Exciting at times, the story is chiefly notable for the quaint charm of its quieter scenes, such as those which describe Stephen's period of apprenticeship in the household of Wilhelm 'rrenniann, a locksmith of the old school.