MR. AM.B - ERTHWAITE. By Le - Ws Marlow. - (Gollancz. S. 6d.)-This is
an amusing- piece of cynicism, not without some plangent vibrations of melancholy. . Mr. Amberthwaite, in his horrornf the Mass f•ii-ifiiilciiid,-cleSires'asave-a charming Young fijecd_frOm intriguffi,g girls the tables areneatly turned When the -ellen-fling young filen'a- SaVes-Mr: -Amberthwaite fram despair caused by a slim enchantress. The satire on Certain stocial types is cruel, though usually justifiable. Occasionally the caricature :verges on brutality, and the
superior Mr. Amberthwaite -is more vulgar than his victims. But there is grace and sensibility in the passages on friendship, and one feels, too, that Jane was indeed charming to look at. There is originality in the book; and promise. The langupge often has force and beauty.- -