W C.6, Albany, W.I. SIR; you allow a fellow-South African to
comment onPRrioLf.RHaar- hoff's remarks about Mr. Cyril Ray's article, Dr. Malan's Mission? He calls it a " splenetic outburst" It was drawn to my attention by yet a third South African as a particularly sound summing-up and judgement; and on the whole I agreed (though I found the writer's astonishment at the extent of the irrationality of race prejudice a little naïve). Prof.Haarhoff's remarks display either incredible misunderstanding o'r
deliberate effort to find fault.
Prof. Haarhoff has from time to time been prominent in the corresron-
deuce columns of English journals, always protesting his own opposition to the South African order of things, and always resenting any criticism of it. This kind of misplaced patriotism is exactly what the reactionary forces at home encouraie. and make use of. It helps to insulate the South African conscience, and to build up cohesion behind (and sub-
mission to) tyrannical legislation. Prof. Haarhoff is doing his own countrymen—the white in the long run, perhaps, even more than the black, who at least have little to lose--no good by it. I appeal to him to resist the reflex of loyalty, understandable as it is, and use his head.