A Spectator's Notebook
T HE only national daily newspaper which on Wednesday morning had no editorial comment to make on the Govern- ment's victory in Tuesday's debate was the Daily Herald. One can......
I Have Often Wondered Why, In This Country, Farming And
forestry are so completely insulated from each other. It very rarely seems to occur to farmers who own their holdings that trees are a crop like any other vegetable and that,......
Many People Hold (with The Times) That The Government's Sub-
ordination of national to doctrinal interests has induced a state of political malaise which can only be cured by an early General Election. If one were to be held now (Mr.......
It Seemed To Me, Driving South From The Highlands The
other day, that hitch-hikers were much more plentiful than they used to be. In the Welfare State, with its emphasis on planning and security, there ought,-theoretically, to be......
The Ultimate Insanity
0 F all the acts of the Socialist Governments which have held power in Britain since the war this week's decision to bring the Iron and Steel Act into immediate and full......
The Official To Whom I (and, For All I Know,
you) pay sur-tax is the Accountant General (Cashier), inland Revenue, Barrington Road, Worthing, Sussex. This dignitary has the curious and unlovable habit, when be receives......
I Started Trying To Work Out What Effect My Prospective
part- ownership of most of the British iron and steel industry will have on my position as a tax-payer. As from October 2nd, I understand, I shall start helping to pay the......
A Few Weeks Ago Janus Made Some Observations About...
and the method of hooking them pursued in Tanganyika. This has elicited a letter from a writer in the next-door territory of Kenya who sends further information on the subject.......