Book Token for one guinea wilt be awarded to the sender of the first correct salmon to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, October 3rd.
ACROSS 1. Character from Lawrence threatened with prosecution. (10.) 6. Chronicler with the makings of com- pany. (4.) 9. The squirrel is a good one, but you can't take him to dinner. (10) .
10. Gadding in Milton. (4.)
12. " Man marks the earth with ruin: his control stops with the shore "- meaning this ? (3, 4.) 13. Vertical. (7.) 15. One of the treacle-well girls- (5.) 17. Common to Arden and France. (6.)
20. " Thou art - of the spheres. And of the courts of heaven art free " (Watson). (6.)
22. Let me turn to the newspapers. (7.) 23. This one is a good deal more than the average 36 inches. (6.) 24. Percy Vere's motto ? (4, 2.) 26. A tree to be treated with respect. (5.) 29. Could a giant arrive so soon ? (7.) 31. One should not smoke a cigar with it. (7.)
33. " A ship, an -, a sickle moon " (Flecker). (4.)
34. Saladin made it with gum. (10.) 35. Learning with no moorland growth. (4.)
36. A failing of those who are too close. (10.)
Is a unit in Africa ? (7.) . With a fast watch one might appear to have it. (5, 4.) 3. Equality with mother. (5.) 4. Instrument occurring in another clue. (6.) 3. Darkness before a vehicle. (6.) 7. Far from little money. (5.) 8. Jacob did with an angel. (7.) 11. Out of the fold one may get out. (6.)
14. Not so very red m the suburbs of this Polish place. (5.) 16. A rendering of Eiger. (5.) 18. Alternatively a source of -feline coinage. (6.) 19. Very ancient and fish-like in " The Tempest" (5.) 21. " Good men starve for want of - " (Dryden). (9.) 23. Isles vaguely seen to the south-east. (7.) 25. Simpletons lice a tomb in Shake- speare. (7.) 27. Might get nasty after a penny. (6.) . 28. Suitable subject for ' a king of shreds and patches:" (6.) 30. An enemy of friction. (5.) 32. " Non -, sed Angell." (5.)