The report of a fresh victory gained by the gallant
Poles has been confirmed in part. On the 9th the Commander-in-Chief came in contact with the enemy near Siedlec ; a smart action en- sued, the result of which was the capture of 3000 or 4000 pri- soners, including 300 officers of rank, and a number of guns. Another action took place about the same period, between the Russians and the patriotic corps of General UMINSKI, in which 600 of the Russian guard fell into the hands of the latter. It has been since reported, that the main body of the enemy had been attacked in its retreat, and cut to pieces, and that the Sabalkanski was taken. There is now nothing at all improbable in such a report. The whole of Lithuania, and indeed all the country in the rear of the Russians, seems to be in a state of insurrection against them.