Ftveshinz.—the Late General Wemyss Represented The County...
many years. He was a steady supporter of the Government, at a period when the Tory system of government was almost universally supported by country gentlemen, both Scotch and......
The Theit Res.—mr. Knowles's Historical Play Of Alfred...
triot King comes out at Drury Lane on Wednesday. Macready, of course, plays the hero ; and Wallack, Cooper, Miss Phillips, &c. have all parts. We hope this will speedily redeem.......
M. De R Anyille.—a Chevalier D'industrie, Who Had Assumed...
name, and, on the pretence that he was the nephew of M. Guernon de Ren- ville, the French ex-Minister, imposed on a number of persons in Lon- don, and among others, on Messrs.......
Gin Accident.—on Tuesday Afternoon, A Horse In A Gig Ran
with great speed over Blackfriars Bridge ; the driver was thrown out, and immediately after the gig broke to pieces. Opposite Christ Church, the horse came in contact with a......