23 APRIL 1904, Page 1

orderly, and listened with attention, and apparently with much relief,

to the addresses which Mr. Marwick, the Assistant-Secretary for Native Affairs, delivered on the cer- tainty of immunity from the plague if proper precautions were followed. When told to disperse, they saluted respectfully and went home. The event is another instance of the amazing rapidity with which news travels among natives, and it is a high tribute to the confidence which the Transvaal Native Affairs Department seems to have inspired in them. At the same time, it should be a warning to the Administration of the dangerous thing the racial solidarity of the black races may become when their suspicions and their fears are awakened. Tax Rsyssus.

... 81,500,000

Estate, dna Duties ... 13,000.000 ••• ••• 1


Land-Tax and Howe-Doty •• • - M• Property and Income Tax ... 29,009,000

Nos-Tax Raystrue.

Telegraph Service 3,750,000 ... 50.000 ...

Total Nos-Tax Revenue ... 022,480,000 2984,000

Guinn Toe...

Tax Revenue CII8,800,000