Current Literature.
THE QUARTERLIES. LORD BYRON'S POETRY. Works of Lord Byron: Poetry, Vet. VII. (John Murray. Cs.). —The last volume of the poetry in Mr. Murray's admirable - edition of Byron......
The Imperialist. By Sara Jeannette Duncan (mrs. Everard...
Constable and Co. 6a.)—The average reader about half way through The Imperialist will experience all the indignant feelings of the child who finds a powder concealed in a......
Memory, Almost Ceasing To Repine, Would Mount To Hope If
once secure of thine. Meantime the tele I weave most mournful be. As absence to the heart that lives on thee." We cannot leave this volume without most heartily congratulating -......
Hone. (elliot Stock. 6s. Net.)—this Is A Hi G Hly...
instructive book ; distinguished by a fine literary flavour, and written in a praiseworthy spirit of impartiality. One error, how- ever, we must take leave to point out. After......