hone. (Elliot Stock. 6s. net.)—This is a hi g hly interesting and
instructive book ; distinguished by a fine literary flavour, and written in a praiseworthy spirit of impartiality. One error, how- ever, we must take leave to point out. After telling us that Mr. Edward Clodd, following the theories of Dr. Crell and Sir Robert Ball, put the beginning of the Glacial Period at 240,000 years acid the end at about 80,000 years ago, the authors remark " At the other extreme is the view held by Sir Joseph Prestwich in his later days, when he narrowed the interval since the Ice to 25,000 years. He thought that Palaeolithic Man of the valley drifts appeared 20,000 to 30,000 years ago, and disappeared 10,000 to 12,000 years before our time. One cannot help thinking that this low estimate was forced upon Prestwich by his acceptance of the Eolithic: fiinte, with the consequent pushing back of man's advent to pre-Glacial times." Now this supposition is wrong. It is a fact that Sir Joseph Prestwich saw the Eolithic implements far the first time in July,1828, while the paper on the date and duration of the Glacial Epoch appeared early in 1887. Prestwich's views on the Ice Age will be found in his "Geology," published in 1888. Though dealing with North-East Surrey, the book may be read with advantage by residents in any county, so much fascinating folk-lore and important information about primitive man does it contain-
A Guide to the English Pottery and Porcelain (British Museum, Is.) is one of the excellent series of handbooks published by the Trustees of the Museum. It is fully illustrated, some of the drawings making the work well worth possessing quite apart from its special purpose as a guide. We have received the second number (July, 1903—March, 1904) of the JoAn Bylands Library Bulletin (J. E. Cornish and others, as. net), giving, with other matters, an account of the growth of the Library. It added form thousand two hundred and forty-two volumes in 1903, acquisitions divided exactly between gift and purchase.—lbso A Catalogue of an Exhibition of English Bibles, now being held in honour of the Bible Society Centenary.
Russia at the Bar of the American People. By Isidore Singer, Ph.D. (Funk and Wagnalla. es.)—This is a collection of "Records and Documents " relating to the Kishineff massacres. The most serious aspect of them is that which shows the complicity of the military and police. One thing it is impossible not to notice,— the difference that may be seen between the public opinion of the United States in reference to Russia now and thirty years ago.
Abbott (E. 11. DiatesurIca, Part IV., Panama% ihro (Black) not 70
&knack (E.), Book:platoe, 16mo (Methuen) net 2/6 Atkinson (T. DJ. English Architecture, 12mo......- .......... - (Methuen) not 316 Bake. (H. B.), Two Men from Kimberley, or 8th (Ward A Lock) 3/6
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