The Central Council for Economic Information has issued an attractive
little pamphlet, St. George's Day (H. A. King, 91 Worship Street, E.C., 6d.), the proceeds of the sale of which will go to St. Dunstan's Hostel. The Prince of Wales's message on the cover—" It was due to our comradeship that wo won the war and we must retain it in order to become a happy and contented nation "—expresses the idea conveyed in the pamphlet. Sir Henry Newbolt describes the Second Battle of Ypres on St. George's Day, 1915, and Mr. Cope Cornford the Zeebrugge raid on the eve of St. George's Day, 1918, while Mr. Gerard Flennes asks whether our industrial disputes cannot be settled in the spirit of fellow-feeling and unselfishness displayed during the war by millions of British sailors and soldiers.