A House Of Retreat.
[TO THE EDITOZ Or THE " SPECTATOR".1 Sue—Some years ago (I think in 1908) you drew attention in your columns to a remarkable article in the Hibbert Journal by the late Father......
America And The Irish.
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOE."] Sue —I have read with much interest the amounts in Britieh papers relative to the annoyance and resentment caused in Britain by the apparent......
Prohibition In British Columbia.
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."l Sra,—Our experience during the three years of Prohibition in British Columbia proved one thing with absolute certainty, that every month it......
Popular Lectures In Museums And Galleries. (to The Editor Or
TEL " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Lord Sudeley's movement in the matter of popularizing our museums and art galleries is full of interest, as it brings us one degree nearer to our aim of......