23 APRIL 1932, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sin,--With reference to yoUr " Studies in Sanctity No. XII, may I be allowed to add one note of testimony to the love which Father Wainright inspired in his flock ?

Many years ago when walking down Piccadilly, at the door of St. James's Hall, I came across a crowd of rough dowdy- looking men thronging the entrance—most of them collarless, but with coloured handkerchiefs round their necks. I stopped, and asked one of them what was going forward.i lie answered, We've come to give our little`Wainey ' u cheer.'" " And who is little Wainey," I enquired ? " Why Father Wainright," was the reply, " He's speaking in the

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And then he spoke with fervour of the unselfish devotion of the Docker's Padre, and of the love 'which he inspired. This had brought these rough fellostf; all the way froin the Docks to do him honour, and tagive hint " a cheer."-I am; Sir; &a, A. H. HALLAM 11E01Al'.

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