The Canary And Thf: Gramophone.
We have heard a good deal lately about the colour-sense in animals. What of their car for music ? A neighbour of mine possesses a canary which lives in the same room as the......
The National Trust Now Controls Property In Thirty-six...
Surrey alone it is lord of sixteen separate pieces of ground. Its advance is most thoroughly welcome, both because it preserves places and buildings most worth pre- serving and......
Too Popular Sanctuarigs.
One rather surprising evidence of the eagerness to taste the pleasure of country things is the embarrassing demand made to guards and owners of sanctuaries for leave to enter.......
These Discoverers Of England Are So Many That They Compel
some social adjustments, and they will probably continue to l tiply. It is as much on their behalf as fur the direct pre- servation of England that Regional Planning is......
• Information Is Desired By Mr. Middleton. The Young Oxford
biologist, from those who have access to estate records of good and bad game years. He hopes to find out sonic law about the periodicity of birds as well as of mammals in......
Country Life
EEDISCON*RING ENGLAND. We heara . great deal about the ruination of England ; and those Who commit patricide and matricide—that is, crimes against their fatherland and alma......
Mr. Middleton And His Group Of Biologists Have Done And
are doing very good research work ; and it is to be hoped that estate owners who have any useful records will co. operate. It was, however, a little disturbing at the latest......
At Present Some Preserves Simply Exclude The Public, Ou The
ground—not wholly unjustified—that it is not to be trusted: The Oxford Preservation Trust, for example, which has done admirable work in a very energetic fashion, has recently......