A Wise Insurance Scheme
We publish to-day a letter written by Lord Lloyd, as Chairman of the Council of the British Provident Associa- tion, and we recommend people of moderate means to consider the advantages of subscribing to it. It is for those who in sickness do not want to take charity by occupying a hospital bed provided for the really poor, and yet who cannot, out of a small income, suddenly produce the cost of a serious illness or a major operation. By this insurance scheme their needs are met. By one Capital payment of £10, and an annual premium varying fiouri £1 is. for's single person on the lowest of four scales up to £6 12s: fora couple and dependent on the highest
scale, people can secure benefits of £3 a week for three weeks in a Nursing Home, a Consultant's fee of £.3 3s., and a Surgeon's fee up to £100 on the highest scale. This is the best form of prudence by which a potentially crippling expense is spread over the years of health and earning power. It also spreads the cost over many incomes, and the more the subscribers the greater the benefits will be for each who needs them. It is good both morally and economically thus to bear one another's burdens and to get one's burdens shared by others.