- The English Funds have been rather firmer during the last few days; Con- sols for Money and Account having today been done at 994,iin4l New Three-and-a- quarter per Cents have risen to 1021. The general aspect.of the market is good,
although the business transacted has not been extensive. India and Bank Stock both are at a trifling improvement; the former having been done at 272/, and the latter 211/, both for Money. The premium of Exchequer Bills has also risen, and is today 50s. to 52s.
In the Foreign Market the business has been unimportant; and we cannot netice any material variation in prices. The fervour of 'Railway speculation having for the moment abated, it may not be amiss to glance at the probable effect upon the money-market of the proceed-
ings of the past and anticipated results of the next session of Parliament. Tile amount required to complete the Railways in Great Britain and Ireland, for which bills were obtained in the last session, is 44,322,3251.; and for this expense 2,841 miles of railway are to be completed in three years; but as the cost of these undertakings generally exceeds the estimate, the sum required for this purpose may be fairly estimated at '48,000,0001.: so that for the next three years the parties interested will be called upon to advance at the rate of about 1,500,000/. a month. The new schemes for the coming session have been roughly estimated to cost 150,000,0001.; but if we take them at 100,000,0001. we shall find that it will require 10,000,0001. to provide the cautionary deposit before the bills can be proceeded with. The House of Commons have excepted all those schemes already provisionally registered from the operation of the Standing Order which requires a preliminary deposit of 10 per cent: but the Standing Orders of the House of Lords contain no such exception, and the promoters of all new schemes will be called upon for 10 per cent deposit before they can proceed a single step in the Upper Raise. Reckoning, therefore, the calls alluded to at a million and a half per month, and assuming that they commence about the end of the present year, nearly 20,000,0001. will be required before the end of the next session of Parliamtent for the purpose of Railway speculation.
The tone of the Share Market has been better for the last few days ; and-the
heavier Shares appear to be recovering, though slowly, from the depression by which they were overtaken at the end of last week. Birmingham have been, however, today quoted at 201. below the price at which they stood previously to the decline noticed in our last report; and Great Western, after having expenenoed a further decline of 101., have rallied again above 51. or 6/. The higher descrip- tion of French Shares are in demand at rather improved prices; and, notwith- standing the near approach of the period for the "concession" of the Great Nor- thern line of France, the Shares of the various competing companies have mit been very extensively dealt in: those of Le Brea have been in favour during the last two days, from a belief that, as this company has not yet been amalga- mated with the others, its projectors will be able to obtain more favourable terms than have yet been proposed to them, by delaying their adhesion to the union till the last moment Dutch Rhenish Shares are lower • and though the transactions have not been important, the reiteration of trifling sales has depressed pticee. Dendre Valley are in the ascendant, and have been quoted today at 1 premium; and though the business transacted in Foreign Shares has not been extensive, the demand for them may be stated as generally better than last week. An arrange- ment is in progress for the absorption of the existing "North of Spain Railway Coln-- pan)," into one with more extensive objects, namely, for the construction of Spanish Railways generally: the Shares of the existing Company have conse- quently risen, and after being long neglected have advanced to 11. premium.
SATIMDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. The reported illness of the King of the French, and consequent decline of the
French Funds on Thursday has caused a slight depression here, and the English Funds are generally 1 per cent below yesterday's prices with but few transactiona. There is no change in the prices of the Foreign Funds. The business in Railway Shares has not been important, being as yet confined to the bargains given below. An improvement of rather more than 11. per Share has occurred i,u those of the Croydon line, occasioned by the successful result of an experimental trip made yesterday upon the new atmospheric Epsom Railway. The speed upon the atmospheric line was greater than that of the express Dover train which was running on the parallel Croydon line and was beaten by the atmospheric engine.
h, Portrush, and Coleraine, 2; Birmingham and Gloucester, 182f, ; Bristol and Exeter, 921; Ditto New, 104; Caledonian, 11 101; Great Southern and te Western extension (Ireland)
ncl) 111; Birmingham, 2251 ; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 80; Brighton, 774 1; Croydon, 254 1 6; Ditto, New, 11; London and York, 51-; Midland, 174; North British, 31*; South Midland, 8 71; Great North of France, (Lafitte's,) 61 it; Paris and Lyons, (Calona) 21; Faris and gouq, 421; Royal North of Spam, 21. SAITEDAT, Two o'cLocst. The English Funds close at the depressed quotations of the morning, with very little business doing. New Three-and-a-quarter per Cents have been done as low as 1021; being a decline of 1 per cent since yesterday. The Foreign Funds are unchanged. In the Share Market we have to notice an improvement in Great Western and Birmingham; both of which are at an advance of 11. Croydon have also risen to 261; while the Direct Portsmouth or Atmospheric line is about 2t. higher. South Midland have been at 8 premium, and close nearly at that price. The following bargains have occurred, in addition to those given in the morning: Cornwall, 4; Direct Northern, 1/ 2; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 89; Ditto, New, 134144; Great North of England, 220; Great Western, 213; Ditto, Half-shares, 1181 171; Leicester and Birmingham, 21 2; Birmingham, 2251 5 7; South- western, 78; Manchester and Leeds, 2091 2081; Newcastle and Berwick, 241 4; South Midland, 8 74 4 44 premium; Portsmouth, Direct, 64 6; Boulogne and 26; Royal North of Spain, 2/i1D021eniclni Valley, ley, 21; Dutch-Rhenish, 8. Amiens, 104; Great North of France, Rosamel's,) 21 3; :Namur and Liege, 54 4; Orleans Tours, and Bordeaux 114; Paris and Strasburg, (Ganneroes,)
3 per Cent Consols .... - • 994 Columbian ex Venezuela... 175 18 Ditto for Account 995 Danish 3 per Cents 89 90
3 per Cent Reduced 595 5 Dutch 25 per Cents 635
35 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents 1005
Long Annuities 11 7-16 4 Mexican 5 per Cents 345 51 Bank Stock for Account ... 211 4
Ditto Deferred Exchequer Bills prem. 49 51 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 64 55 India Stock 972
Ditto 4 per Gents 1845 11817 11995
64 5
Braiillan 5 per Cents 89 90 Russian 5 per Cents
Chili =6 per Cents 102 4 Ditto 3 Cents 1842 = ffPalffsh (Active) 5 per Cents 27k 4 354 1 Belgian 44 per Cents 100 1