Last Night's Gazette Announces That Sir James Graham Has...
Mr. William Blainire and Mr. George Darby Enclosure Commissioners for England and Wales. The Morning Chronicle states, on the authority of' advices from Rio de Janeiro, that Mr.......
All Three Candidates Were Busy Among The Electors Of...
last night. Sir William Molesworth met the inhabitants of a fresh district, in the large assembly-room of the Leather-market Tavern, at Bermondsey, which was well-filled; and he......
Gorrign An Colonial.
Grealraivr,—A religious excitement, consequent on the quasi-Protestant secession of John Rouge and his followers from the Roman Catholic Church, has broken out into overt acts......
Postscript •
SATURDAY NIGHT. The accounts of the Queen and Prince Albert conic down to Monday. They left Mayence before eight o'clock that morning, in a close carriage and four; with a......
Sunday was the Dutchess of Kent's birthday, and was marked by the usual observances in the neighbourhood of London and the Royal resi- dences. The Queen Dowager, accompanied by......