Last night's Gazette announces that Sir James Graham has appointed
Mr. William Blainire and Mr. George Darby Enclosure Commissioners for England and Wales.
The Morning Chronicle states, on the authority of' advices from Rio de Janeiro, that Mr. Hamilton has concluded a treaty with the Brazilian Go- vernment. It is not "a treaty of commerce," but the Chronicle calls it one "of amity and navigation." It is " conditional on the admission of certain claims, arising out of some of the early seizures of Brazilian ships, under the treaty of 1826." "With that exception, we are enabled to say that the terms of the treaty, as ar as it goes, have been definitively agreed upon by both parties; and that its ratification by the Brazilian Executive will depend only on the result of Mr. Hamil- ton's application to our Government on the subject of those claims, concerning which he was without instructions. • • • In matters of navigation only, we believe, it contains a clause placing the ships of each country on the terms of the most favoured country. It also provides that the intestate estates of British subjects in the Brazils shall be administered by the English Consul; and, if ratified, will therefore remove the great danger in which such property has recently been placed by the expiry of our treaty in November last."