23 AUGUST 1845, Page 20


Tuesday, Aug. 19.


Denton and Co. Bolton, hat-manufacturers—Carrington and Co. Devonport'printers ; as far as regards W. B. Carriugton—Maish and Symonds, New Bridge Street, Vaux- hall, printers—Chapman and Collis, coach-huliders—Thompson and Marshall. Man- chester, commission-agenta—M and H. Nixon, Rugby, hat-manufacturera—Breretort and Robinson, Liverpool, woollendrapers—Hirst and Brooke, Leeds, stockbrokers— Jenks and Co. Liverpool, tea-dealers—Cartwright and Lowe, Manchester, silk-manu- facturers—Wainman and finks, Leeds, cloth-merchants—Bottomley and Co. Man- chester, woollen-manufacturers—Halliley and Co. Wigton, calico-printers; as far as regards J. Donaldson—C. and P. C. Turner, Preston, coal-merchants—Cookson and Singleton, Poulton-in-the-Fylde, Lancashire, joiners—Abbot and Bowman, Liverpool, sharebrokers—Kent and Co. Burslem, potters ; as far as regards J. Adams—Jennings and Ford, Laurence Lane, carriers ; as far as regards J. Ford—Skillicom and Co. Liverpool, painters—Howat and Son. Dumfries, merchants—Buchanan and Co. Glas- gow, accountants ; as far as regards T. G. Buchanan.


The FORTH MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, BiallOpSgate Street Within, until Dee. 2.


Deans, DANIEL, Liverpool, paper-stainer, to surrender Sept. 5, 19: solicitors, Mr. Walker, Fun-dyers inn; Mr. Bradley, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.

JACKSON, FRANCIS, MarylebOne Street, Golden Square, victualler, Aug. 30, Sept. 26: Solicitor, Mr. Sherreff, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basing- hall Street.

MAUI/160N, HUGH, Almondbury, fancy-worsted-goods-manufacturer, Sept. 2, 25: Solicitors, Mr. Lever, King's Road, Bedford Row ; Mr. Achers, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds.

MARKwIcK, MARK, Harper Street, Red Lion Square, builder, Aug. 26, Sept. 30: soli- citors, Messrs. Lake and Co. Lincoln's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry, POWELL, JAMES CHASE, Chiswell Street, Finsbury, apothecary, Aug. 26, Oct. 2: soli- eitor, Mr. Jenvood, Walbrook Buildings ; official assignee, Belcher, King's Arms Yard. WHITE, RICHARD, Portsmouth, surgeon, Aug. 29, Sept. 26: solicitor, Mr. Beetholme, New Inn, Strand. DIVIDENDS.

Sept. 20, Timmis, Stone, ffint-grinder—Sept. 12, Southern, Gloucester, grocer—Sept. 12, Bentall, Totnes, banker—Sept. 10, Solly, St. Mary Axe, merchant.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Sept. 12, Thornton, Birstal, machine-maker—Sept. 9, Hilditch, St. Asaph, grocer— :Sept. 11, Crabtree and Burnley, Tunstead, Lancashire, woollen-manufacturers.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Sept. 9.

Davis, Bristol, chemist—Pariente, Bury Street, St. Mary Axe, merchant—Estall, Ilolywell Street, plasterer—Nichols, Coleford, Gloucestershire, auctioneer—Harbottle, Amble, Northumberland, grocer—Hall, Coggeshall, grocer—De Wilde, Wells Street, Oxford Street, cahlnet-ironmonger—Burns, Devizes, upholsterer—Currie and Seig- Vette, Mincing Lane, merchants— Byers, Skinner Street, woollen-warehouseman.


Forrest, Liverpool, glass-merchant ; first div. of 10s. any Monday after Oct. 4; Mr. Bird, Liverpool—Atkinson, Gloucester, chemist; second div. of Id. on the last three Saturdays in October ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane—Golborne and Dobbs, Liverpool, wine-merchants ; third div. of 6d. any Wednesday after Oct. 5; Mr. Follett, Liverpool —Wilkinson, Bryrnbo, Denbighshire, ironmaster; third div. of 61d. any Monday after Oct. 4; Mr. Bird, Liverpool—Williamson, Dovrgate 11111, tobacconist ; first div. of Is. 10d. on the last three Saturdays in October ; Sir. Groom, Abehurch Lane.


DIBBLE, 'T., Glasgow, engraver to calico-printers, Aug. 23, Sept. 13. Itittu., J., Buttergask, Perthshire, cattle-dealer, Aug. 23, Sept. 15. MOSSO, C. S., and Lanais, W., Edinburgh, stationers, Aug. 22, Sept. 17.

Friday, Aug. 22.


G. and J. Stiles, Wells Street, Oxford Street, soda-water-mannfacturers—T. and A. Farrington, Bewdley, grocers—.M. and L. Brown, Shenfield, Essex, schoolmistresses— W. and W. Langford, Ilitchln, cabinetmakers—H. and J. Cruse, Little Britian news- venders—Millet and Daniels, Manchester, wine-merchants—Fuidge and Co:Bristol, grocers—Wood and Son, Hanley, Staffordshire, colour-merchants—W. and T. Smith, Xlldwick, Yorkshire, worsted-manufacturers—G. and E. Holmes, Barlow, Derbyshire, farmers—Vizetelly and Co. Peterborough Court, Fleet Street, printers ; as far as re- gards W. Tyler—Smith and Blake, Manchester, lath-renders—Chinner and Co. Dudley, brassfounders—Draper and Son, South Island Place, North Brixton, pattern-drawers —N. and A. Batten, Leadenhall Market, eheesemongers—J. B. and W. Owen, Sunder- land, lffiendrapers—Stanley and Co. Manchester, commission-merchants—Gwyn and Legh, Ellesmere, Shropshire, surgeons—Ingoldby and Co. Nottingham, lace-manufac- turers—T. and J. Loveridge, Brighton, haberdashers--Cumock and Sons, Camden Town—Brown and Colson, Norfolk Street, Strand, architects—Jones and Co. Fore Street, printers—W. B. and H. Butler, Newark-upon-Trent, mercers—Wall and Ban- bury, Devizes, attomies--Richardson and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, drapers—Wren and Sons, Boston, corn-merchants ; as far as regards B. Wren—Clark and Co. Glas- gow, mill-furnishers.


ORTON, WILLIAM, Darlaston, Staffordshire, file-cutter.


HOGG, EDWARD THOMAS, and WALTON, WILLIAM NEALE, Duke Street, Adelphi, wine- merchants, Aug. 29, Oct. 2: solicitor, Mr. Shirreff, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assig- nee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.

HOWELL, THOMAS, Queen's Head Passage, Newgate Street, hotel-keeper, Aug. 29, Oct. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Treherne and White, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher. King's Arms Yard.

Klartlass, JOHN, Lupus Street, Pimlico, butcher, Sept. 1, Oct. 3: solicitor, Mr. Tur- ner, Mount Place, Whitechapel Road ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birehin Lane. LING, BENJAMIN, Fore Street, Limehouse, timber-dealer, Aug. 28, Sept. 26: solici- tors, Messrs. Norton and Son, New Street, Bishopsgate ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birehin Lane.

PaArr, JAMES MANTLE, Bemers Street, Oxford Street, wine-merchant, Aug. 29, Oct. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Flews, Bucklembury ; official assignee, Mr. Pen- nell, Guildhall Chambers. snis, JOHN, Tollard Royal. Wiltshire, wheelwright, Sept. 1, Oct. 3: solicitor, Mr. Ashley, Shortffitch ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghan Street.

SOLOMON9, NATHAN and ELEAZER, Farringdon Street, bootmakers, Aug. 29, Oct. 9: 11011eitor, Mr. Watson, Worship Street ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.

SUCKLING, JOHN HOLMAN, Birmingham, Ironmonger, Sept. 11, Oct. 7: solicitors, Mr. Smith, Birmingham; Mr. Jackson, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Bir- mingham.

SUGDEN, ROBERT, Bogthome, Yorkshire, manufacturer of worsted goods, Sept. 2, 25: Solicitors, Messrs. Williamson and Hill, Gray's Inn • Messrs. Rudd and Co. Halifax ; Mr. Bond, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds.


Sept. 26, Giles, Brighton, boardIng-bouse-keeper--Sept. 24, S. and S. Symonds, Be- Nngball Street, woollenfactors—Sept. 24, Burrell and Hall, Thetford, Norfolk, iron- tenders— Sept. 19, J. and C. Tapps, Wigrnore Street, coachmakers—Sept. 19, Jones, Fort Street, merchant—Sept. 17, Jacobs, Great Prescott Street, furrier—Sept. 17, Wil- liams and Mottram, Wood Street, Manchester-warehousemen—Oct. 3, Mien, Leeds, di-Merchant—Oct. 3, StonehOuse, Scarborough, mercer.


lb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day if ateding.

Sept. 114, Page, Northam, Southampton, builder—Sept. 23, Forrester, Hampstead, baker—Sept. 19, Peacock, St. George's Road, Southwark, oorn-dealer—Sept. 16, Fisher, Lynn, spirit-merchant—Sept 12, Davenport, Little Love Lane, wholesale hosier—Sept. 16, Herbert, Reading, tea-dealer—Sept. 16, Smith, Southampton corn-merchant-- Sept. 16, Hodges, King's Head Yard, Duke Street, Bloomsbury, skin-dealer—Oct. 3, Robinson, Beverley, Yorkshire, spirit-merchant—Sept. 16, Smith and Swami, Weed- head, Cheshire, provision-dealers.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Sept. 12. Smallwood, Birmingham, grocer—Gregory, Weston, Somersetshlre, innkeeper-- Davis, Compton, Staffordshire, butcher—Pares, Loughborough, Leicestershire, plumber —Milward, Epperstone, Nottingham, miller.


Priddey, Droitwich, Worcestershire, upholsterer ; div. of 3s. 3d. any Tuesday after Oct. 6; Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham—J. and T. Batt, Old Broad Street, silkmen ; first div. of 4s. any Wednesday after Dec. I; Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street—Tomkinson, Kidderminster, linendraper; div. of 33. on new proofs, any Tuesday after Oct. 6; Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.