A public meeting, in connexion with the fifth anniversary of
the Evan- gelical Alliance, was held in Exeter Hall yesterday evening ; the Hon- ourable Arthur Kinnaird in the _chair, The Reverend Ba,ptist Noel, the Reverend Mr. Kuntzey from Berlin, the Reverend Dr. Grandpierre of Paris, :Professor Baup of Lausanne, and the Reverend F. Olaff Neilson, a refugee from religious persecution in Gothenburg, were the chief speakers. Dr. Grandpierre gave testimony on the progress of the Evan- gelical Alliance Union in Paris, and drew further hopes for the future in other countries from the effects of the Industrial Congress in London- " In Paris, after all the different Protestant societies had held their annual meetings, [which were like our English May meetings,] the members of the different sects all agreed this year to take the sacrament of the Lord's supper together in one building, as a practical exemplification to the world of their unity of heart and sentiment. The consequence was, that a Cal- vinist minister was seen serving one table, a Lutheran serving another, a Wesleyan Methodist another, an Independent another; and so on with all the other denominations. The same gratifying spectacle would be repeated in succeeding years."
A numerous and influential meeting of Members of Parliament and merchant citizens of Dublin assembled at the Dublin Mansionhouse on Thursday, to consider the best means of securing direct steam communi- cation between North America and the West coast of Ireland. The Lord Mayor presided. It was resolved that a packet station should be esta- blished at some Western port to be hereafter named; and a provisional committee was chosen to form a company, with a capital of half a million, to build vessels and establish the service.
Our nautical amateurs, the owners of the hundreds of pleasure-yachts of all burdens, have been in a state of -high excitement for the last fort- night at the apparition of a Yankee yacht, built according to Yankee no- tMus, which has crossed the Atlantic and offered to " whip everything " we could bring against her. Her owner is J. C. Stevens, Esquire, Com- modore of the American Yacht Squadron ; and her name is The imerica, scheonee-built, of 170 tons. Yesterday she made good the boast of her owner. At the Cowes regatta, in the match round the island for a sari worth 1001., open to the dubs of all nations, she started last and came in first by nearly eight miles.