23 AUGUST 1851, page 15
Rttrts To T4e Catty.
THE EASTERN COIINTIES A.N.D BOUTH-WESTEILN ILAILVATS., , Butway, - WI August 1851. Sin—Tour last week's article -on the Railway Contusion suggests a re-, mark which I should......
The Paris Correspondent Of The .daily News Writes—" The...
of a luggage-train which arrived last week at the terminus of the Orleans Rail,- way, are destined 'to mark an epoch in the history of the _French navy, and to afford the......
The Land.
LETTER M.—INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT AND COOPERATIVE COLONIZATION. Tall Mall, 18th August 18.51. SIR—I proceed now, in conclusion, to exhibit the organization by means of which the......