The English Stock Market gave way in the commencement of the week, and prices declined from to 1 per cent; to rally again, however, until the Prices of last week were reached. In the course of this afternoon a slight decline occurred; and after some trifling fluctuation, the closing quotations are-961f for Account and 961 I.
A large failure occurred onSaturday,last : the liabilities of the insolvent house are variously' stated at from 600,0001. to 80020004 This calamity is
osed to have originated in unsuccessful speculations in corn.
e demand formoney has been rather greater than usual; and the dirks it, the discount-office at the Bank of England have had full employment. The rate of discount is also rather 'higher, and may be quoted at from 3 to 31- per cent. Money is still abundant; however, in the Stock Exchange, at from 2 to 2f per cent. In the Foreign Market, the transactions have been very unimportant. Mexican Bonds, which fell to 28, have mllied again ; and after being at 291 close this afternoon at 281 to 291. Peruvian and South American Stocks are unchanged. The demand for Russian Four-and-a-half per Cent Stock has been insignificant, and the price as last week. The same may be said of the Dutch and other Northern European Stocks. A meeting of the Spanish Bondholders has been held, at which a reluctant consent was gkken to the Government plan for the conversion of the Debt. The terms proposed are scarcely more than a tithe of the just claims of the Bondholders; but the present annual charge is perhaps quite as, reat as the Spanish Government will submit continuously to pay ; while by delaying the conversion, the re- sumption of the payment of a dividend would have been indefinitely post- paned. Spanish Stock was heavy upon the receipt of intelligence of the Cuban insurrection ; but the markethas improved slightly within the last two or three days. Portuguese Bonds are unchanged.
The alarm occasioned by the declaration of war against all competitors, made by the Chairman of the London and North-western Railway at the
meeting last week, has not subsided. Actual hostilities mai be said to have. commenced, 'when its lbe bourse of this week the railway In question oon-: veyed-paesengere to York at fares from two-thirds to.throe-fourths less than- usudL The motley group was largely composed of materials with which every one seeking to travel in comfort would anxiously avoid contact If such assemblages are to be of frequent occurrence, it is clear that the rail. Will only be used upon occasions of necessity. ' The Share Market, though occasionally rather firmer, closes this afternoon at quotations below those of last week. The shares of the North-western have declined about 21. Great Western and Midland improved from 11. to 21. The decline of the North-western is signifwantaf the estimation in which the warlike policy of the Chairman is held. There is no material change in the French Shares. - SITORDAT TWELVE OVISMON .
The English Stock Market is without change, and firm at .the closing- prices of yesterday ; Consols for Money being 961 f, and for Account 961 1. In the Foreign Market prices are generally without variation. Mexican Bonds are rather firmer, being in demand at 29, and the nominal quotation 29 to 1. The Railway Share Market continues without any appearance of improvement; the following are the only transactions marked in the official list—East Lancashire, 131- ; South-eastern, 201 21 ; London and Blackwell, _ 61 ; York and North Midland, 17 ; Eastern Union Scrip Guaranteed 6 per Cent, 10.
SAM:1MAX' Two o'CLoon.
The English Stack Market has been heavy in the almost total absence of business ; Consols for Money close at 961 f, while for Account the price is exactly 961. The transactions of the Foreign Market have been limited to the following bargains—Chilian Three per Cents, 66; Mexican, 291 29 ; Peruvian, 911; Ditto Deferred, 43.1; Spanish Active, 211; Three per 38 ; Dutch Four per Cents, 93 921; Sardinian Scrip, f discount
The Railway Share Market is without any indication of improvement. The non-dividend lines are today all lower, the public appearing to tire of profitless investments. The Eastern Counties and North Britishhave both fallen about 58. The following are the principal bargains recorded—Brirtol and Exeter, sof ; Cheater and Holyhead, 151; 'Eastern Counties, 5s. t t; Great. Northern, 16a 1; Ditto Half-shares A Deferred, 51 ; Ditto Half- shares B 6 per Cent, 121; Great Western, 791 1 ; Lancashie, and Yorkshire, 481; Ditto Fifths, 21; London and Blackwell, 61 1; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 921 ; London and North-western, 1181 ; Ditto New Quarter- shares, 24/ 1 ; London and South-western, 80/ ; Midland, 411 f ; Ditto 50/. Shares, 141; North British, 51 1; North Staffordshire, 71 / ; Oxford, Wor- cester, and 'Wolverhampton, 15 14i ; South-eastern and Dover, 20114; Ditto Extension, 121 6; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, ii; 'York and North Midland, 17 ; Berks. and Hants Extension, 5 per Cents, 6161; Buckinghamshire, 171; Eastern Counties Extension, 5 per Cent, No. 1, / prem. ; Ditto 5 per Cent, No. 2, i dis. ; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 131; Or- leans and Bordeaux, 41, Paris and Strasbourg, 111 1; Rouen and Havre, 91.
3 per Cent Consols 961 8 Danish 3 per Cents 76'7'8 3; per Cents 971 ; ■ Ditto 4 per Cents 391 0 I 3 per Cent Reduced Ditto for Account 961 ; Dutch 21 per Cents 6 Exchequer Bills Brazilian 5 per Cents 91 3 1 Ditto 4 India Stock 45 48 pin. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 86 8 1 pe r Cents
98; 99 I Mexican .5 per Cents 1846 132890221i3.29
Long Annuities 9281i 215 16 1 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842.
n 7-16 Peruvian 6 per Cents
— I Russian 5 per Cents 414 116 991 11 Bank Stock Belgian 41 per Cents 92 4 ' Spanish (Active) 5 perCents. 21; Chilian 6 per Cents 104 6 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 37f '81 Danish 5 per Cents 1041 1051 Venezuela 50 2