The post of Clerk of the Hanaper, vacant by the death of Mr. Charles Fitzsimon, has been bestowed on Mr. John O'Connell, third son of tho late Daniel O'Connell. By this appointment a vacancy is created in the representation of. Clonmell. A host of candidates are already in the field : among them, are Mr. Bagwell, "the virtual proprietor of the' borough," and a Liberal of extreme tint ; and a Mr. Patrick Murray of Dublin, who while he concurs in the political principle& of Mr. Bagwell :transcends him in one particular—he is a Repealer of 1844 ; and he avows himself ready to work heart and hand in bringing about an Irish 'Parliament.
It is remarkable that the Irish Society of the City of London should, for the first time in its history, have visited, in its collective ca- pacity, its Irish estates. This visit, the fruit of' the Commission of In- quiry, took place last week.
Harvest operations having become general, the demand for labour is in earnest request. Accounts from Limerick state that before daylight on Tuesday crowds of labourers were marching through the streets to the music of pipes and fifes, amid joyous cheering, to cut the harvest in the rural districts. Wages there have run up to 3s. Bd. per diem, with food. The bulk of the men are from the West of Clare, Galway, and Kerry : and they are represented as being better clad than usual ; in fact, rags are at a discount.--Dublin Correspondetit of the Times.
Spite of the disembodiment of the Militia, and the comparatively trifling emigration to England for the harvest, there is an extraordinary demand for agricultural labourers in Ireland. Even in the remote parts of the South, men are paid 2s. a day, and women lc
The potato blight has appeared very extensively in Kerry ; the Tralee Chronicle says it is "nearly as general and rapid as ever."
' Trokerry, an old man having a small farm at Cahermore in Cork county, has been murdered by six persons who set upon him at night in the road, after a quarrel and fight.
A little boy named Clarke, eight years of age, has died in the workhouse of Bailieborough, in Cavan, from strychnine administered in error. Dr. Wright, who was doing duty during the absence of the union surgeon, made up two worm-powders for the boy, at the request of the mother ; he intended to prepare them with jalap and calomel, but, unfortunately, from the bad labelling of the bottle, he took strychmne instead of calomel. Soon after the child had taken one of the powders he was seized with illness. The mother ran for Dr. Clarke, and that gentleman hastened to the workhouse. At the inquest he thus described the symptoms he observed. The deceased was sensible, and spoke rationally. He was labouring under very violent tetanic convulsions. He had no vomiting. Those present were striving to make deceased vomit. The extremities, upper and lower, were straightened out at full length, and were perfectly rigid and extended. Deceased was trembling violently, and was one shaking mass in constant motion. The pupils of his eyes were dilated to their fullest extent. The eyeballs ap- peared to be protruding out of their sockets. From the symptoms, and also from reading upon the subject, he concluded the deceased was labouring under the effects of nun vomica. He had seen dogs and other animals under the influence of that medicine, but never a human subject before. He went immediately to the surgery. for an emetic, and on his return deceased was dead. Dr. Clarke made a post-mortem examination. The external appearance of the body was healthy. There were no external marks of violence upon it. He opened the abdomen and secured the stomach. The liver was healthy, and all the other organs were likewise healthy. He did not examine the spinal cord, as it would take seven or eight hours to do so, and the friends of deceased were impatient to have the body interred. He had since made an analysis of the contents of the stomach, and from his examination of them he was satisfied that strychnine was the cause of death. He discovered strych- nine in the stomach, but in very small quantities. There was none of it in the other intestines. He would venture to say that in all he found there was not more than a grain. The Jury gave this verdict—" We find that the de- ceased came by his death on the morning of Sunday the 27th of July, in consequence of strychnine prescribed by Dr. Wright in mistake for calomel, and administered by deceased's mother ; and we are perfectly satisfied that he had no evil intention."