Lint Arts.
THE NATIONAL GALLERY. Inactivity is not among the sins of the new management of our gallery : seven fresh pictures hang on its walls, in addition to the several others which we......
Ije 9,rmq.
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUG. 19. • WAR DEPARTMENT, Aug. 19.-Caralry-4th Regiment of Dragoon Guards-R. D. B. Cuninghame, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Ponsford,......
On the 14th August, at Guernsey, the Viscountess Northland, of a son. On the 15th, in Princes Gate, the Hon. Mrs. Edward Jervis, of a daughter. On the 15th, at Woolwich, the......
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 19. Partnerships .Dissolved.-Seeley and Payne, Elm Street, Gray's Inn Road, piano- forte-makers-Thornton and Co. Liverpool, grocers; as far as......