The proceedings of the Reformatory Union Conference at Bristol were closed last night by a public meeting in the Victoria Rooms. The earlier portion of the day had been occupied partly in excursions to neighbouring reformatories, and partly in a general meeting of the sections. Two of the excursion-parties went, the one as far as Mr. Baker's establishment at Hardwick, the other to the Reformatory School at Pynes near Exeter. At the public meeting, which was very well attended, Lord Stanley opened the proceedings with a condensed edition of his speech in the Merchant ' enturers' Hall. Lord Robert. Cecil then moved, " That the meeting strongly approve of the objects of the National Reformatory Union" ; a resolution seconded by Sir John Pakington, and unanimously carried. The salient point in Lord Robert Cecil's speech expressed strong opposition to Lord Brougham's view, that criminals should be treated as moral patients, and that the object of punishment should be reformation not retribution. The second resolution—" That it is desir- able to establish Reformatory and Preventive Schools in all parts of the United Kingdom, to provide for the many thousands of youthful offend- ers who are annually added to the criminal classes in this country "—was moved by Sir Stafford Northcote, seconded by Canon Girdlestone, and carried with unanimity. The closing ceremony was a vote of thanks to Lord Stanley for his services throughout the Conference.