It is understood that the Queen will leave Osborne for
Scotland to- wards the end of next week. One report fixes her Majesty's arrival at Edinburgh for the 28th instant; but no authoritative statement of the day has yet been made public. The journals state that Sir Colin Campbell will fill the vacant post of Inspector-General of Infantry.
The Gazette of last night contains an order in Council, stating that as the trade and shipping of Great Britain in the porta of the Two Sicilies have been placed on the same footing as the trade and shipping of the Two Sicilies, the latter shall have the benefit of the provisions of the 15th and 16th Victoria, enabling. her Majesty "to abolish otherwise than by treaty, on condition of reciprocity, differential duties on foreign ships.'
The Gazette also announces the elevation of Mr. Strutt to the Peer- age, by the name, style, and title of Baron Belper, of Belper in the county of Derby.