RENTS [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sm,—After studying carefully the article by " W." on " Rents and Profiteering" (Spectator, August 9th), I have conic to the conclusion that I agree with much of it, though a certain looseness of technical language which pervades it makes it difficult to understand its precise meaning in places. May I seek enlightenment on one point particularly ?
The author makes the general statement : " The private landlord also is profiteering on a truly lavish scale." Three paragraphs further on, however, he enumerates no fewer than five distinct categories of private landlords, i.e., " ground landlords, superior landlords, landlord, tenant, sub-tenant, and so on, until we get down to the ' party of the umpteenth part' "—to any of which his general statement might refer. Which one, or how many of the five are included in the indictment ? The distinction should be made clear in justice to the innocent parties.—I am, Sir, &c.,