* * * * Films And The Law
One of the most valuable products of the recent Colonial Office Conference has now been made available for the use of administrators in British Colonies, Protectorates, and......
* * * * The Trade Unions The Agenda Of
the Trades Union Congress which is to be held in September of this year is one of the first clear indications of the feeling of the Trade Unions towards rationalization. In many......
* * * * This Attitude Will Call Forth Protests
from the advocates of economy. But economy has less intrinsic virtue than value as a useful adjunct of a forward policy. We have tried before now to explain why a greater......
The ' R100'
On Saturday, August 10th, the ' R100' moored at Cardington after completing her return journey from Montreal in fifty-seven hours, two hours more than the Graf Zeppelin took......
Foreign Visitors
There is a silver lining to the general cloud of depression in the returns of the Tourist Traffic from the United States to Great Britain. In spite of the troubles in Wall......
The United States And Trade We Mentioned Last Week The
estimates of the millions of men out of work in the United States as comparahle to our own figures of distress and as worse in the richest country in the world than in any but......
* * * * The Miners' Federation The Conference Of
the Miners' Federation at Weston- super-Mare came to an end last week. Mr. T. Richards occupied the chair, though Mr. Herbert Smith, the stalwart Yorkshire representative, stood......
* « * *
Bank Rate, 3 per cent., changed from 3} per cent. on May 1st, 1930. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 1031} on Wednesday week, 10311 ; a year ago, 101/1 Funding Loan (4......