Leeks and Lilies
It is good and interesting for many of us to be forced to turn our attention from the flower garden to the vegetable. We discover to our satisfaction such profound truths as that leeks are like lilies: both must be planted deep, even as deep as nine inches. August is the standard date for putting in many lily bulbs ; and for myself, in transplanting bulbs of the amenable and lovely Regale, I have been astonished at the amount of stalk that had put forth roots. If only the leeks had been planted a little deeper, how much more winter food would have been in prospect! It is to be hoped that most gardeners have taken the advice to grow their own pea and bean seed. Seldom in the records has the sun, which has given us the quickest harvesting possible, so successfully ripened seed, or, may I add, so dried the pulled onions. Winter onions and carrots may still be sown.