What Of The Debate Which Followed? For The Moment I
pass over the fine laudatory speeches of Privy Councillors Lees- Smith, Percy Harris, Hore-Belisha, Winterton and Sinclair. These are at any rate noticed in the daily Press.......
They All Pleaded For Greater Trust In The People, More
equality of sacrifice and more promotion by merit: they all praised the spirit of the men in the Forces, welcomed the more offensive and aggressive note and asked for long-range......
On Tuesday The Prime Minister Gave Us His Long-awaited...
on the progress of the war. Oratory will not die while he lives. Here are some striking phrases chosen at random. " The front line runs through the factories "; " Since the......
Rumania And Bulgaria
The negotiations between Rumania and Bulgaria have been brought to a conclusion which everyone well acquainted with the history of the Balkans in the last 32 years will regard......
Is Opinion About Aliens Ignored It Is Amazing That Sir
John Anderson and other members the Government who are associated with him in the handling the aliens question should continue to be indifferent to public inion here and unaware......
The Harvest In England The Harvest Of 1940 In England
has been one of the earliest Id best-gathered in the memory of man. If there must needs e a drought in this country, August is certainly the best anon for it to occur. The crop......
The Week In Parliament
Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes: A unique and memorable Session is drawing to its close, and once again the man of the week has been the Prime Minister. On Thursday he......
Aids And Warnings The Croydon Air Raid Brought To A
boil what had been mmering elsewhere before—the conflict between individual d national interest in the matter of air-raid warnings. Any dividual anxious to save individual......